Extension Miami-Dade County

Tag: CEU

The Plant Producer newsletter for ornamental crops

October 27, 2016

The Plant Producer Newsletter: In This Issue (pages): 1 Pesticide Spills: Preparation, Prevention...Get 1 free CORE pesticide credit, 2016 1,2 Pest Update: Whitefly Biotype Q 4 Danger in an Empty Container 5 Three New Crapemyrtles ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Crops, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Articulos, CEU, Free CEU, Mosca Blanca, Newsletter, Ornamental Crops, Renovar Licencia, South Florida, Spill, Whitefly

Manejo Integrado de plagas en español

June 3, 2013

IPM in Spanish: (English summary) This is a basic training on IPM in Spanish with plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria or insects. Pesticide, ISA and FNGLA CEUs will be provided. You need to register: via online or by mail. Also be present ... READ MORE

Category: Events
Tags: CEU, Clase, Class, Educación, Español, Evcampoverde, FNGLA, ISA, June, Junio, Landscape, Miami, Nursery, Paisajista, Pest, Pesticida, Pesticide CEU, Plagas En Miami, Plantas