Do you want to learn if you are wasting herbicides during your application for FREE?

University of Florida (UF/IFAS) Extension –Miami-Dade County and FNGLA can help!

We want to help your nursery succeed.

Most plant nurseries do not know how much herbicide they are applying. University of Florida Miami-Dade County Extension and UF/IFAS specialists will offer free and anonymous assessments of herbicide use for nurseries to help improve your business by:

  1. Reducing chemical costs.
  2. Reducing labor costs (hand weeding)
  3. Increasing productivity of your application.

All nursery names and locations will be kept confidential!


University of Florida/IFAS Miami-Dade County Commercial Horticulture Agent:

Vanessa Campoverde at or 305-248-3311 EXT 241

Free registration deadline: Date: April 10, 2015. Click HERE


Any nursery can participate in this project! Our goal is to work with growers and help them improve their weed control by applying the proper amount of herbicide.


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Posted: February 26, 2015

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Conservation, Crops, Events, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Ayuda A Viveristas, Clase, Free, Free Assesment, Gratis, Herbicida, Herbicide, Homestead, Investigacion, Mala Hierba, Maleza, Miami, Miami-Dade, Ornamentales, Ornamentals, Pesticide, Research, South Florida, Study, Stusio, Weed