4-H Resolution

RESOLUTION . . . ‘the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose. I like that definition! Normally one would think of the common definition ‘to make a firm resolution to [not] do something.’ The word resounds with me as our program’s ideals, leadership and 4-H families have a resolute purpose to keep our 4-H program: strong, energized, dynamic, diverse, educational, fun, and growing each year. Since joining staff five years ago – while being a committed 15-year volunteer leader – I have seen our program’s enrollment increase with continued interest and development of 4-H events, programming, community activities and contacts. It is the dedication of our volunteers and extension staff to make the program more vital with opportunities for our youth and their families to participate on the local, state and national levels.
Of course, all of us must remember that we learn to run by first crawling than walking. Each year we have youth experience the valuable opportunities offered by Florida 4-H: Camp Cloverleaf, 4HU, Citizen’s Washington Focus and Southern Regional Teen Leadership. There are so many opportunities of travel and learning for our youth. Working together, increasing awareness, fundraising and resolving to make it happen is what we do in ‘Making the Best Better’. Baby steps soon develop into running with confidence and strength.
Along with these resolutions, teamwork helps us support onFlorida 4H Historye another while we are learning and growing. Our 4-H Creed, originally adopted in 1918, is the foundation of our program’s ideals that we provide for our youth. To make that creed effective we must be resolute in upholding its values. Our exceptional volunteer leadership is the core of our program. These individuals lead by example, dedicating themselves to the program and their club members. They give selflessly, year after year, of their time and resources to provide for their program, club activities and membership. Our partners in the community equally excel in encouraging us, providing resources and funding, and proudly recognizing our 4-H Youths’ accomplishments. Families – close and extended – make the sacrifices needed to contribute financially, transport their children to events and volunteer their time, skills, knowledge, and personal resources on a regular basis. These 4-H families make this commitment with great love for their children, the program and their hometown. Many are second and third Martin County 4-H Alumni, as our program has been active since the late 40s/early 50s! That in itself is a great source of pride – a local program 60 plus years strong!
So Happy 2018! As your program assistant – and I can speak for our future agent – we are resolved to continue to make our local 4-H Youth Development program grow and develop to its best potential. Your continued support and dedication humbles us to excel, putting forth our best effort on behalf of our youth . . . that is our Resolution.

Visit our office for information on volunteering for or contributing to UF/IFAS Extension Programs in Martin County: http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/martin
For further information on volunteering for the 4-H Youth Development Program, visit: http://florida4h.org/volunteers


Posted: January 10, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Florida 4H, Martin County, Volunteers, Youth

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