For over 20 years Lafayette 4-H’ers have demonstrated their cooking skills during the holiday season. 4-H members are encouraged to make their favorite dessert/recipe to share. with the help of a parent or adult. All participants received prizes and will receive a recipe book with all 2017 Holiday Recipe entries at the next meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2018.
Participants and Entries
Participant Entry
- Carra Clark Homemade Cosmic Holiday Brownies
- Kellan Clark Snowballs
- Molly Hamlin Indoor S’mores
- Boone Riley Blueberry Cobbler
- Durand Driver Fudge Brownies with Homemade Frosting
- Kaitlynn McCray Purple Punch
- Addison Folsom Santa’s Favorite Cookies
- Logan Lamb M&M Rice Krispies
- Noah Lamb Peanut Butter Corn Flakes
- Easton Tompkins Christmas Rice Krispies
- Tate Jackson Reindeer Chow
- Peyton Ditter Pepperoni Rolls
- Kerri Ditter Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies
- Wyatt Chandler Candy Bark
- Wyatt Hillwig Peppermint Brownies
- Shannon Williams Monkey Bread
- Jessica Johnson Mini Pigs in a Blanket Wreath
- Miley McCray Monkey Bread
- Jana Hart Reindeer Cookies
- Chris Vann Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potato Fries
- Jefferson Leach Bean Dip
- Mackenzie Ogburn Chocolate Éclair Cake
- Holland Jackson Christmas Sugar Cookies
- Tori Williams Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
- Eva Bolton Holiday Punch, Black Bean Brownies
If you would like a copy of any of these recipes, contact the extension office at 386-294-1279.
Thank you to all of the participants and the parents for helping make this year’s Holiday Bake-Off a great success!
Chris Vann- Extension Agent- 4-H/Agriculture