Today is 4-H day at the capital in Florida. 4-H Day at the Capitol, is an exciting event which allows participants to learn about government through the, “Learning by Doing” approach that is fundamental to the 4-H Program! Participants attending this event will join other 4-H members and supporters, from across Florida, as they promote the 4-H and IFAS Extension Programs to government officials and the public, as well as take part in exciting tours and workshops that teach youth the importance of taking an active role in government!
Through out the day, first time participants will have the opportunity to tour historic sites which will include the Old Capitol, New Capitol, Museum of Florida History, and the Union Bank Black Archives Display as they take part in “The Capitol 101!” If you took part in 4-H Day at the Capitol in 2011, we recommend you sign up for one of our new workshops which focus on the importance of advocacy and civic engagement, as well as how government affects topics ranging from marine science to Mock Legislature.
These new workshops include trips to a variety of local museums and the Supreme Court, visits to the IMAX theatre, and exciting hands on activities! All participants will also have opportunities to meet 4-H members from across the state, hear from guest speakers at a press conference, and meet with their legislators to share with them the impact 4-H has had on their life!