Extension Jackson County

Tag: Insects

Purple Triangles in the Trees

May 24, 2016

From time to time I am reminded of how little I know. Honestly, I am reminded on a daily basis. A few weeks ago someone asked me about the purple things hanging from the trees. Luckily, the person gave me some good southern directions on where ... READ MORE

Category: Horticulture
Tags: Ash, Ash Beetle, Ash Tree, Emerald Ash Borer, General Gardening, Insect Pest, Insects, Invasive Species, Panhandle Gardening, Pest, Pests, Tree Pest, Trees

Armyworms Wage War Via Guerrilla Warfare

September 23, 2015

Armyworms come in a wide range of colors and sizes. A few of the prominent species living in Florida are beet, southern, and fall armyworms. And the term "living" is not an exaggeration, because Florida is one of the lucky states where it ... READ MORE

Category: Horticulture
Tags: Armyworm, Best Management Practices, Garden, General Gardening, Green Industry, Insects, Integrated Pest Management, Landscape, Lawn, Lawns, Panhandle Gardening, Pests, Turf

New UF EDIS Fact Sheets for Horticulture Crops

September 20, 2013

The University of Florida IFAS Extension offers a database of fact sheets available for free download on the Internet called EDIS (Electronic Data Information Source) that has many publications of interest to farmers and ranchers in Northwest ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Blueberry, Citrus, Citrus Deficiencies, Disease, Drosophila, Fruit, Horticulture, Insects, Panhandle Agriculture, Peach And Nectrine, Pest Management, Strawberry, Tomato Chlorotic Virus, Vegetables