Beef Cattle – February 21
The Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show will be held on Thursday, February 21st at the Jackson County Agriculture Conference Center, located at 2741 Pennsylvania Avenue in Marianna, Florida. The program is scheduled to begin at 7:30 AM Central and will conclude with lunch, followed by an optional Cool Season Forage Tour at the North Florida Research and Education Center. There is a $5 per person registration fee for this event, payable at the door. Participants are asked to pre-register by calling 850-482-9620
The focus of the 2013 edition of the Beef Conference will be Keeping Beef Herds Sustainable. Topics to be presented include: cattle market & input cost outlook; feed, pasture,and reproduction management; and a rancher panel. There will also be a trade show with exhibits by industry representatives that provide products and services for beef cattle ranchers.
Download and print the flyer: 13 NW Beef Conference Flyer, or click on the flyer image below to view on your computer.