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Tag: 4-H

A Good Hot Meal: Extension and the Struggle for School Lunches

August 15, 2014

The new school year is beginning, and so, inevitably, are jokes about food fights, mystery meat and ketchup-as-a-vegetable. School cafeterias have been a part of public education for such a long time that it's easy to take them for granted. ... READ MORE

Category: Smith-Lever, UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, Extension 100 Years, Home Demonstration, Nutrition, School Lunches, Smith-Lever Anniversary

Campfire Stories: Florida’s 4-H Camps

June 12, 2014

Summer's here, school's out, and if you're one of more than 230,000 4-H'ers in Florida, that means four magic words: Cloverleaf, Ocala, Cherry Lake, and Timpoochee. For the uninitiated, those are the names of Florida's residential 4-H camps. ... READ MORE

Category: Smith-Lever, UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Camps, Camp Cloverleaf, Camp Ocala, Cherry Lake, Doe Lake, Extension 100 Years, Smith-Lever Anniversary, Timpoochee

100 Years of Extension in Florida

May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act, which established America's Cooperative Extension Service. Let's take a brief look back at Extension's growth and evolution in Florida, year by year. Before Extension 1862 ... READ MORE

Category: Smith-Lever, UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, Agriculture, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences, Extension 100 Years, Florida A & M, Master Gardener, Smith-Lever Act, Smith-Lever Anniversary, UF/IFAS Extension

Project VI: Florida Extension in the Era of Segregation

February 13, 2014

For its first fifty years, there were two extension services in Florida—one for whites and one for African-Americans. The South had been racially segregated since the 1870s, the end of the reconstruction period following the Civil War. ... READ MORE

Category: Smith-Lever, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, A.A. Turner, African-Americans, Black History Month, Extension 100 Years, Extension Agents, Florida A & M, Floy Britt