Hurricane Season: Books to Help You Prepare

The Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1 and continues until November 30. To be prepared for hurricanes and other severe weather, it’s useful to have an understanding of the natural forces you’re up against, as well as the condition of your home and property. Doing a little homework now can save you stress when the storm comes. The IFAS Extension Bookstore offers some excellent resources to help you prepare for hurricane season.

Florida Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Disasters

Designed specifically for homeowners, the Florida Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Disasters is a critical resource for anyone wanting to reduce the risks to both their family and property from the threats of natural hazards. This illustrated handbook covers basic information on emergency preparedness, evacuation planning, flood and wind insurance, and steps to take to protect your property.

During a hurricane, gable-end roofs are vulnerable to intense wind pressure on their flat ends. If one of these ends collapses, it can allow wind-driven rain to enter through the attic and allow wind pressure to blow off the roof decking, potentially causing catastrophic damage to a home. Pg. 50

If you would like to obtain multiple copies, please email us at or call 800-226-1764 for discount information.

124 pp.

$8.00 – cost of shipping included!


Florida Weather and Climate

Jennifer Collins, Robert Rohli, and Charles Paxton

University Press of Florida

Written for the general reader, this book uses maps, diagrams and clear language to explain the factors that affect Florida’s climate and everyday weather patterns, as well as extreme events such as freezes, tornadoes, and of course, hurricanes. You’ll learn about how tropical cyclones form, the seasonal patterns of Cabo-Verde storms, why some years have more hurricanes than others, how storm names have changed over the years, the curious phenomenon of eyewall replacement, and other interesting meteorological facts. You’ll also learn the factors that cause historical weather events such as the freeze of 1899, the Labor Day hurricane of 1935, and the time baseball-sized hail fell on Lake Wales.

The movement of the storm and the counterclockwise rotation of the flow around the eye near the earth’s surface make winds on the right side of the storm stronger and more dangerous. The right side of the storm is also where the wind will push storm surge from the ocean or gulf waters onshore. Pg. 150

To understand our state’s sometimes freakish weather patterns, Florida Weather and Climate provides a fascinating introduction to meteorological science.

248 pp.


For more, visit





Posted: May 31, 2022

Category: UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Climate, Disaster Preparation, Hurricanes, UF IFAS Bookstore, Weather