NFREC Gardens of the Big Bends Promotional Logo

The Gardens of the Big Bend is a botanical and teaching garden located on the grounds of UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) and operated jointly with the nonprofit organization, Gardening Friends of the Big Bend, Inc. The goals of these gardens are to evaluate new plants, promote garden plants adapted to the region, demonstrate environmentally sound principles of landscaping and provide a beautiful and educational environment for students, visitors, gardeners and Green Industry professionals.

The UF/IFAS Graphic Design team was asked to develop a promotional logo to market the gardens to potential visitors. NFREC wanted something that represented plants present in the gardens, but also a simple, unique, and clean design. The designer initial designs was comprised of illustrations of several plants unique to the Gardens including the Ocahui Century plant, Tulip Poplar leaf, Chinese Fir branch, Magnolia Ashei flower, and a Frank’s Masterpiece Magnolia flower. After some consideration, the final illustration of the Magnolia Ashei flower was chosen. The designer then created several color options to choose from; in the end the clients chose to go with blue and orange to connect back to the University.

The logo will be printed on directional signage as well as being engraved in brick pavers and will be placed at the entrances to the Gardens.


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Posted: June 1, 2021

Category: UF/IFAS Graphics
Tags: Gardens, Illustration, Promotional Logo

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