Be Hurricane Ready: Tips for 4-H members and their Pets

It is that time a year that we are mindful of being prepared for natural disasters such as hurricanes.  Here are some essential steps4-Hers can take to prepare for natural disasters, particularly when they have animal projects. Take a look at your outside projects and see what should be brought in or secured.

You can look for pet friendly shelters such as WEC or county shelters. They have strict guidelines regarding vaccination records and supplies needed for pets. Be sure to know guidelines when preparing your pet to go to a shelter.

Make sure you have:

  • Up-to-date pictures of your project
  • Veterinarian’s phone number
  • Enough feed and a dry place to store the feed
  • Enough water
  • First aid kit
  • Pet identification – see Florida Disaster Preparedness Guide – S.A.R.T. for examples and other things to consider

Do you know your evacuation zone?  Check out this link:

During events such as this, we may find an opportunity to put to practice our pledge of our hands to larger service.

Resources links:

Florida Disaster Preparedness Guide – S.A.R.T. – FDACS-P-01972 – Extensive amount of information regarding animals–prepare/have-a-pet-plan/animals-and-agriculture-disaster-plan-2022.pdf

HURRICANE PREPARATION: EVACUATING YOUR HOME Edis Document – Elizabeth Bolton, Muthusami Kumaran, and Angela Lindsey

Use reliable sources for information on hurricanes or other weather events like the National Hurricane Center or the National Weather Service.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services – Storm Preparation


Posted: July 26, 2024

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, , Disaster Preparation, Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, Anorris, Citizenship, Disaster Preparation, Leadership, Life Skills, Uf/ifas Extension, Youth