Hillsborough County 4-H Youth Leadership Council


What is a County Council?

The 4-H Program utilizes many opportunities to provide educational experiences for youth. The 4-H Council at a county, district, and/or state levels is one of these tools. Hillsborough County Council is an elected representative group of 4-H members who meet, discuss, plan, and assist in carrying out 4-H programs and activities in the interest of the total 4-H youth membership. The Council provides a link between local clubs and County 4-H, then from County Programs and to District 4-H Programs, and from District Programs to State 4-H Programs (Ellison and Tesdall, 2018).


Photo of 2023-2024 Youth Council taken by Amber Norris.

Why join 4-H Youth Council?


Engaging in a 4-H Council offers 4-H members the avenue to foster a sense of belonging promote characteristics of a high-quality positive youth development program.  The life skill of communication is a vital part of preparing youth for the work force. One of the ways 4-H develops that skill is through the county council. Through the council, youth who have a propensity for leadership can develop communication skills and learn leadership roles and responsibilities of holding a 4-H office.  They will then take these new skills and apply them by presenting and helping their peers throughout the county.

As a member, you will have opportunities to enhances your leadership, citizenship, and communication skills. From being a local 4-H ambassador to countywide service-learning projects, the Youth Council offers a diverse range of avenues for personal growth and development.

Officers will attend leadership training and learn to facilitate such things as monthly countywide meetings. Through a positive youth-adult partnership, the council will present monthly countywide meetings and attend 4-H meeting to share their knowledge throughout the count.  This opportunity prioritized the development of communication, high-order thinking, and appreciation of differences as essential workforce skills for the leadership executive board members. The involvement in this council will provide a range of opportunities for young people to develop communication skills and gain confidence in expressing themselves.

Council will engage in local 4-H events with leadership roles like leading the 4-H Pledge, serving as MC,

being part of the welcome committee, capturing photos and promoting local 4-H programs

and events through at least one promotional and marketing event. Attend events such as 4-H

Annual Recognition Banquet, 4-H Open House, and Service-Learning Project to name a few. Our county will have two representatives on the district council. This opportunity may also lead to the State Executive Board.


How to run for office?


Council elections will take place on April 6 at the County Events Day.  Two members of each club, designated by the club leader, will be eligible to vote that are not running for an office. To run for an office, email amber.norris@ufl.edu and she will send you the document to fill out to run for one of the six county offices.  There will be questions to help the delegates get to know you.

are the countywide monthly meetings?


Currently they take place the third Monday of each month.  There will be a meeting (face-to-face or virtual) each month for the officers to discuss and plan the meeting prior to the countywide meeting.


Posted: March 6, 2024

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, , Clubs & Volunteers, Events, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, Anorris, Citizenship, Civics, Communication, Leadership, Life Skills, Public Speaking, Youth