Tag: rain barrel

March 26, 2020 – Rain Barrels to Rain Gardens Webinar
March 24, 2020
This informative webinar entitled “Rain Gardens to Rain Barrels” was intended to support the Florida Master Gardener and Florida Master Naturalist continuing education program. It originally aired on March 26, 2020. Participants ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, WaterTags: Rain Barrel, Rain Garden, Water

Low Impact Development: Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels
May 29, 2019
Summer is coming. And with the heat, comes rain. Where does all this rainwater go? Some of it soaks into the ground, some evaporates back into the air, but some also runs off into waterbodies. Rain that runs off the ground is called stormwater ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WaterTags: Impervious Surfaces, Lid, Low-impact Development, Rain Barrel, Rain Garden, Runoff, Stormwater, Water Pollution

Demystifying Rain Barrel Challenges
December 19, 2017
Rain barrel water can be a Godsend during periods of drought. But some are reluctant to install one. Here are three common barriers and solutions to adopting this water-saving technique. Mosquitos – Rain barrels don’t have to be ... READ MORE
Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, WaterTags: Drought, Rain Barrel, Water Conservation

Q: I want to have a rain barrel to use for my rose garden. What should I do?
July 18, 2017
Q: I want to have a rain barrel to use for my rose garden. I am interested in saving water but I have heard that using water off the roof is a bad idea. What should I do? A: If you are like most of us, you are concerned about water usage ... READ MORE
Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home LandscapesTags: Rain Barrel, Water Conservation