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Tag: plastic pollution

World Environment Day 2023: #BeatPlasticPollution

June 1, 2023

An Introduction to World Environment Day On June 5th ,1972, the first-ever global conference that put international environmental issues at the forefront, took place in Stockholm, Sweden. The “Conference on the Human Environment” gathered ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Work & Life
Tags: Events, Microplastics, Pgm_Sustain, Plastic, Plastic Cleanup, Plastic Policy, Plastic Pollution, World Environment Day

Plastics and Earth’s Ocean: Part 2

July 29, 2021

That plastic bottle that you saw floating ashore will eventually enter our food chain. This is Part 2 of a blog series covering plastic pollution in Earth's oceans. Read Part 1 here. Impacts on climate change Oil, gas, and coal are the fossil-fuel ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Climate Change, Marine Conservation, Marine Life, Microplastics, One Health, Plastic Food Chain, Plastic Pollution

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