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Tag: PCO lawn & ornamental

Pop-up, in-ground sprinkler head and home irrigation system.

La Licencia de Pesticidas que Necesitas en la Industria Verde de la Florida (GI)

November 2, 2021

Florida tiene más de 30 tipos diferentes de licencias de pesticidas. A veces resulta confuso comprender qué licencia se necesita para un aplicador de pesticidas específico. Aquí en el estado la Florida, para certificarte como aplicador de ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn, Turf
Tags: Español, Florida Lawns, GIBMP, Lawn And Garden, LCLM, LLO, Ornamental And Turf, PCO Lawn & Ornamental, Pesticide Training, Pesticides
Florida lawn Photo credit: Anne Yasalonis, UF/IFAS Extension

The Pesticide License You Need in the Florida Green Industry (GI)

November 2, 2021

Florida has more than 30 different types of pesticide licenses. Sometimes it is confusing to understand what license is needed for a specific pesticide applicator. Here in Florida, to be a certify pesticide applicator in the Green Industry, ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn, Turf
Tags: Florida Lawns, GIBMP, Lawn And Garden, LCLM, LLO, Ornamental And Turf, PCO Lawn & Ornamental, Pesticide Training, Pesticides

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