Tag: Legislators
Legislators Spend a Day with the Farmers
November 21, 2019
UF/IFAS hosted a legislative farm tour through the Tri-County Agriculture Area (Putnam, St. Johns, and Flagler Counties) for elected officials on November 14, 2019. We visited four farms throughout the day and attended the Farm Bureau CARES ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, LivestockTags: Cabbage, CARES, Cattle Ranch, Legislators, Plasticulture
2017 Legislative Farm Tour
November 17, 2017
UF/IFAS Extension hosted a successful farm tour of the Tri-County Agricultural Area for many interested legislators on November 9, 2017. Gary England, Regional Specialized Extension Agent at the Hastings Agricultural Center, organized the event ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, TurfTags: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Tour, Legislators
4-H Day at Capitol: March 26, 2015
February 13, 2015
In total, more than 750 youth and adults have participated in 4-H Day at the Capitol. 4-H Day at the Capitol is an educational event that provides youth an opportunity to tour different parts of Tallahassee and the Capitol. Youth ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & VolunteersTags: 4-H, 4-H Clubs, Capitol, Events And Activities, Legislators, Parents, Youth