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Tag: honeysuckle

Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) now a State Noxious Weed

January 8, 2021

  Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) is one of the recent additions to the Florida State Noxious Weed List. Belonging to the family Caprifoliaceae, alongside other popular vining and hardy shrub ornamental species, it ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: FL Natives, Honeysuckle, Invasive Ornamentals, Invasive Plants, Invasive Species, Japanese Honeysuckle
hummingbird feeding on flower

Q: I want a native vine to grow on my arbor but I want it to attract hummingbirds. Can you give me an idea of what to plant?

July 17, 2017

A: I am going to suggest we limit our search to those vines which will be perennial, which means they will return season after season. I have three Florida native vines to suggest. The strongest contender would be coral honeysuckle, Lonicera ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Wildlife
Tags: Bignonia Capreolata, Campsis Radicans, Cross Vine, Honeysuckle, Hummingbirds, Lonicera Sempervirens, Trumpet Vine

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