Who: Representatives from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences will host educational booths at the Fifth Annual Tallahassee Science Festival.
- Environmental management in agriculture and natural resources department
- Microbiology and cell science department
- Wildlife ecology and conservation department
- UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center
- UF/IFAS Extension Leon County 4-H youth development
What: Children and their families are invited to learn about UF/IFAS scientific research and outreach in a fun, interactive setting. More than 125 exhibits and presentations will be featured.
UF/IFAS activities will include:
- Which Plant Pathogen are You?: Personality quiz
- Real-time, hands-on detection of plant pathogens
- Hands-on session on Ice-nucleating bacteria
- Spore dispersal demonstration
- Insect Collections
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 10
Where: Lake Ella, 1641 North Monroe, Tallahassee, FL
For more information, visit http://www.tallahasseesciencefestival.org
Contact: Charlene Cupp Kinch, 850-875-7101, accupp@ufl.edu