Preparing 4-H Project Animals Before the Storm

Glades County was not in the National Hurricane Center cone of uncertainty when this blog was published. However, as we monitor and watch the weather over the next few days, here are some things to remember.

For those that already have your 4-H project animal, now is an excellent time to:

  • Check the structure where you are keeping your project.
    • Secure any loose boards, wire, or roofing material.
    • Check for and fix any drainage issues in your animal’s pen.
  • Take inventory of:
    • How much feed you have? Will you have enough if a storm comes and stores or supply lines close?
    • Do you have supplies to take care of minor injuries to your animals that may happen during a storm?
    • Do you have a water source if you lose electricity?
    • Do you have a tarp and a way to secure it after the storm? Tarps can be used for many things and will be in short supply if a storm hits our area.

If you do not have your 4-H project animal yet, here are some things you still need to think about:

  • Check the structure that you will be keeping your project in. Go ahead and fix any loose wire, boards, or roofing material now to prevent damage from occurring.
  • Purchasing a tarp and a way to secure it is still a great idea. Store them until needed. Months after Hurricane Irma, many youth still had damage to their pens and barns. Then came the first cold front of the year, and youth needed a way to keep animals dry and warm. Stores had not yet recovered, and tarps were in short supply.

Although we never want to think about these storms hitting our area, now is the time to start preparing and making a plan. More information on preparing livestock for a hurricane can be found at:


Posted: August 11, 2021

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: 4-H, 4H, Animals, Livestock, Storm

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