Record Book Tips

With the start of the 4-H year youth are selecting their project, going to meetings, and receiving their record books. While March seems like a long way off, it will be here before you know it. Will your record book be ready, or full of blank spaces?

Record books do not have to be hard or painful. If worked on throughout the year they can be completed in a timely manner.

Record Book Tips
  1. When you receive your record book, take a moment to look through it. Get to know what kind of records and receipts need to be kept. Then make a plan or create a system on how and when you are going to do record book entries. It is helpful to keep the pen or pencil you plan to use with your record book so that everything is in the same color.
  2. Know how your record book will be judged at the end of your project year. Each book is judged individually and not against another books. Judges look for neatness, accuracy, creative stories, and pictures and captions that show the whole project.
  3. Several items can be completed in a record book as soon as you purchase your animal including the cover page, youth/adult project agreement, project identification, and beginning inventory. By completing these items, you will have several pages of your record book complete.
  4. Keep your receipts together. Sit down at least once a month to log in new purchases, and attach pictures.

These simple tips will help to keep your book up to date.


Posted: October 18, 2017

Category: 4-H & Youth, Curriculum
Tags: 4-H, Record Book, Record Keeping

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