CALS Career Expo

The College of Agricultural and Life Sccareerexpo(largersize)iences’ (CALS) Career Expo was held on February 4, 2016 in the J. Wayne Reitz Student Union.

This annual event showcases career and internship opportunities, and provides CALS students with the chance to speak with potential employers and graduate departments. Forty-eight companies representing the food, fiber, natural resources and life sciences sectors displayed at the event.

All of the college’s 5,397 students were encouraged to attend, from freshmen exploring career options and internships to seniors and graduate students seeking permanent employment. The event was held from 10 am – 3 pm.

Next year’s CALS Career Expo is scheduled for February 8, 2017. For information about how you can participate, please contact Cathy Carr at 352-392-1963 or


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Posted: February 25, 2016

Category: Agribusiness, AGRICULTURE, Crops, Farm Management, Horticulture, Livestock, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, Turf, UF/IFAS
Tags: CALS, CALS Career Expo, UF/IFAS