W hat’s in Season for February and March?
Laurie Osgood, UF/IFAS, Gadsden County Extension
Everyone enjoys eating fruits and vegetables at their peak freshness. Knowing what produce is in season will save you time and money.
Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables may also help reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, some cancers and high blood pressure. Here are just some of Florida’s Seasonal Selections for February and March:
Cauliflower | Snap Beans |
Asparagus | Bell Peppers |
Brussel Sprouts | Grapefruit |
Guavas | Broccoli |
Eggplant | Mandarins |
Cabbage | Celery |
To learn more, visit the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Fresh From Florida website. http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Marketing-and-Development/Consumer-Resources/Buy-Fresh-From-Florida/Crops-in-Season
Laurie B. Osgood
UF/IFAS, Family and Consumer Science Agent, Gadsden County Extension Program. http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/
(850) 875-7255