Congratulations! Jenna Seckar MS-DI Class of 2017 Wins Award

Jenna SeckarCongratulations! Jenna Seckar, MS-DI Class of 2017, for her selection as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Outstanding Dietetics Student for the state of Florida (dietetic internship program category). Jenna is the 12th UF MS-DI student to receive this award since the first graduated group of MS-DI students in 1999. In fact, every student we have nominated for this award has been selected to receive it. The award has been given a total of 22 times. Currently, there are 9 fully accredited dietetic internship programs throughout the state, and UF leads the pack with the greatest number of recipients for this award.

#UF #IFAS #CALS #winningthings


Posted: July 17, 2017

Category: Food Science & Human Nutrition
Tags: 2017, Awards, CALS, FSHN, Jenna, MS-DI, Seckar, Winningthings

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