Workshop: Introduction to Florida Food Entrepreneurship

IF COOKING IS WHAT YOU LOVE, WHY NOT DO WHAT YOU LOVE? With growing interest in fresh local food, more people are starting their own small-scale food business, and the number of small food businesses in Florida is expected to continuously increase. To run a successful business in a competitive food market, you’ll need a good business plan and basic understanding about food processing, packaging, marketing and regulatory requirements. UF/IFAS Extension’s Food Entrepreneurship program can help get you started on your journey to success. This year, the annual Food Entrepreneurship has returned as a new 2-day workshop, which provides general information on food safety, basic food science, product development, and federal and state regulatory requirements for food business (Day 1) as well as a concept of a food safety plan required under the new FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (Day 2).

Sign up online:



Fore more information on the Food Entrepreneurship program at Food Science & Human Nutrition please visit the UF/FSHN/ Food Entrepreneurship Website:


Posted: April 4, 2017

Category: Events, Food Science & Human Nutrition, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Events, Food Entrepreneurship, Soo Ahn, Workshops