IF COOKING IS WHAT YOU LOVE, WHY NOT DO WHAT YOU LOVE? With growing interest in fresh local food, more people are starting their own small-scale food business, and the number of small food businesses in Florida is expected to continuously increase. To run a successful business in a competitive food market, you’ll need a good business plan and basic understanding about food processing, packaging, marketing and regulatory requirements. UF/IFAS Extension’s Food Entrepreneurship program can help get you started on your journey to success. This year, the annual Food Entrepreneurship has returned as a new 2-day workshop, which provides general information on food safety, basic food science, product development, and federal and state regulatory requirements for food business (Day 1) as well as a concept of a food safety plan required under the new FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule (Day 2).
Sign up online:
Fore more information on the Food Entrepreneurship program at Food Science & Human Nutrition please visit the UF/FSHN/ Food Entrepreneurship Website: