UF Forestry students compete in annual skills contests

It’s been a tradition since 1958. More than a dozen forestry clubs from Southeastern universities compete for bragging rights in forestry industry skills.

The 65th annual Southeastern Conclave was held at the Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center in Micanopy on March 15 and 16, 2024.

Some of the contests were physical such as log rolling, axe throwing, pole climbing, and sawing, while others were technical such as photogrammetry, dendrology, and timber estimation.

The Association of Southern Forestry Clubs (ASFC) holds the annual competition that draws competitors from 13 different university forestry clubs including Mississippi State, LSU, Auburn, Georgia, Tennessee, and the University of Florida.

The UF Forestry Club is made up of students at the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences. This year, UF students placed Second in axe throwing, First in dendrology, First in DBH (diameter at breast height) tree estimation, Third in wildlife, and Third in wood technology.

Hosting duties for the annual event rotate among the clubs, with Florida hosting this year’s event.  The Florida Division of the Society of American Foresters led this effort, providing a variety of logistical support.


Posted: June 26, 2024

Category: EVENTS, Forests
Tags: ASFC, Association Of Southern Forestry Clubs, Axe Throwing, Conclave, Dendrology, Lumber Games, Poll Climbing, UF Forestry Club