Stand up and holler, SFFGS, because Gator Nation Giving Day is February 17!

Giving Day is a university-wide event in which we call upon Gators everywhere to stand up for UF by making a gift of any size.
The School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences is excited to announce that we will be highlighting three Giving Day funds this year: The Gibson Endowment for Geomatics, the Florida Environmental Education Endowment, and Florida Project Learning Tree. In addition, donations can be made to a general school-wide or departmental fund. Learn more about the funds and how you can contribute below.
The Gibson Endowment for Geomatics
Dr. David Gibson was founding director for the Geomatics (Surveying & Mapping) Program at the University of Florida. A faculty member for 40 years, he taught until 2014, six years after his formal retirement. To honor Dr. Gibson’s legacy, former students and friends established this endowment in his memory to support the Geomatics Program he loved.

Click here to gift to the Gibson Endowment for Geomatics.
Funds are used to meet the most pressing needs of the program such as student scholarship and travel awards, equipment needs and support for professional certification exams.
Gifts of any amount help the UF Geomatics program continue to grow and support program priorities and needs. Geomatics alumni Pam and Russell Hyatt of Hyatt Survey will match all gifts to the Gibson Endowment up to $3,000.
Florida Environmental Education Endowment

Help the Florida Environmental Education Endowment engage youth, educators, and others to work on environmental issues and support our programs.
Click here to gift to the Florida Environmental Education Endowment.
Florida Environmental Education Endowment programs work with youth, educators and with communities to build awareness, motivate commitment and facilitate opportunities to make the world a better place. This endowment is designed to benefit Extension programs. Gifting to this fund will help to advance state-wide programs, such as: CIVIC (Community Voices, Informed Choices), CAPE (Community Action Projects for the Environment), Project WET (Water Education Today), the 4-H Nature Poetry Contest and Project Learning Tree.
Spendable income from donations will go toward paying students to facilitate conversations with communities about local environmental issues or to create educational videos and other materials.
Florida Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree uses the environment to engage children in learning – both outside and indoors. This award-winning environmental education program is designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool to grade 12.
Click here to gift to Florida Project Learning Tree.
PLT is a national program of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®), and in Florida is an Extension program of the UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries and Geomatics Sciences.
Your gift supports training and resources for teachers to share the wonders of the outdoors with Florida’s kids. Funds directly support educator training sessions and teacher resources. Every $25 sponsors a teacher’s curriculum guide; $50 provides a teacher with both curriculum and supplementary activity kits.
The Langdale Company of Valdosta, GA, a long-time PLT supporter, is matching all Giving Day gifts to Florida PLT dollar for dollar up to $2,000 total.
Other Opportunities
In addition to the funds mentioned above, you can also gift to the SFFGS school-wide fund, or to any of the individual departments. Links to these funding pages are below:
School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences School-Wide fund:
Forest Resources Conservation general department fund:
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences general department fund:
Geomatics general department fund: