Friday, April 21, marks the launch of our new SFFGS website! Over the past months, the IFAS Web Team has been working on transferring the content of into a newly redesigned website. However, since this is a new design of the site, things will look a bit different or might be in a different place. To help users navigate some of these changes, I’ve identified the following issues that may cause the most confusion:
- LINK CHANGES: Some URLs may have changed. For the most part, URLS stayed the same (/about, /academics, etc.). Make sure to check links on existing SharePoint, Canvas, or other documents or pages to see if they still work. Please note that our URL does not contain a “www.” prior to
- UF/IFAS BUTTON: The UF/IFAS button in the top left corner of the site will no longer take you to our home page. You must use the “Home” option in the navigation menu instead. (this will take some getting used to…)
- NAVIGATION MENU: The navigation menu may not function as it did on the old site, and may not “unfold” to show more options. These options are still available but have become links on the associated pages (see Resources example below). Making the navigation menu dropdown is something I will look into adding after the launch so that our directory and resources are easier to access.
- RESOURCES and PORTALS: The resource portals have changed style and location and are now accessed through the “Resources” button in the navigation menu. The portals will be listed in the orange and blue buttons/dropdowns at the top of this page.

- JOBS and INTERNSHIPS: The Job and Internship posting board has been discontinued, along with the WordPress site. We are looking at future solutions for this and I apologize for the inconvenience that discontinuing this service will bring.
- EDITS SINCE OCT 2022: Edits made to our existing site since October 2022 may not be reflected in the new site. I’ve tried to find and correct these, but if the pages were updated after they were built on the new site, then there still might be outdated information.
To learn a bit more about our new web platform and the IFAS Web Team’s capabilities, check out On this site, you can find information about creating new faculty websites, IFAS blogs, IFAS web standards, and more.
Please note that the website has a new design, but it is very much still a working project. It’s possible that things may change on the site in the next few weeks as we continue to refine and develop it post-launch. Thanks for your patience as we all figure out the new website. Please contact our communications specialist, Josh Baker, at if you need help finding or navigating anything on the new site, or if you see any content that needs to be updated.