Learn from the Qualtrics and Surveys Video Series

Do you find it challenging to create evaluation surveys? Have you tried using Qualtrics and found it overwhelming and not sure where to begin? The UF/IFAS Program Development and Evaluation Center (PDEC) has launched two video series covering survey creation and the use of Qualtrics. The series includes best practices in data collection, analysis, and how to include findings in your annual reports. 

Each video is 10-15 minutes long and is available for you to watch on your own time. Specific videos can be selected for viewing, or you can watch the entire series. These videos serve as a resource for you to use throughout the year conducting educational programs, evaluating programs, and the reporting process. The two video series include: 


The Qualtrics video series introduces survey development for evaluation using the software Qualtrics. The series covers a broad spectrum of information, from the basics of how to get started to more detailed techniques of survey design. In addition to creating and distributing surveys with Qualtrics, the series offers simple methods of data analysis. Finally, this series covers how to apply data collected from Qualtrics to your programs, grants, and reports.  

Savvy Surveys 

The Savvy Surveys video series introduces key concepts for creating a survey and the best practices for implementing the survey to get a larger response. It covers why surveys are used, as well as different methods of surveying people. The series also illustrates how to create questions, select the best ones for your survey, and how to organize them to flow together the best way. The videos provide guidance on sampling your population, testing your survey, and sending your survey out. 

Both the Qualtrics Series and the Savvy Survey Series are valuable tools to help you collect high-quality data that is both reliable and useful for your purposes. Set aside some time in your schedule to review videos covering the topics you are working on. This is a great resource to keep in your toolbox as you work towards creating surveys. You can access the videos here. 

If you have any questions about Qualtrics, survey creation, or the video series, reach out to PDEC faculty and staff. 

The mission of the Program Development and Evaluation Center (PDEC) is to add value to UF/IFAS Extension through improved program development and evaluation processes and the enhancement of professional competencies based on the science of Extension. 


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Posted: June 5, 2023

Category: , Professional Development
Tags: PDEC, Qualtrics

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