Written by Will Eubanks, Florida 4-H State Council Reporter
Florida 4-H teen leaders are stepping up and connecting with a new Florida 4-H News Show. Produced by 4-H youth, the news show aims to deliver stories from the members’ perspectives and keep 4-H members more up-to-date in this virtual world.
The Florida 4-H News Show is produced by the Communication and Council Support (CCS) Committee of the Florida 4-H State Executive Board. Interviews, field reporting, and video editing will be conducted by youth committee members that will feature various 4-H activities from clubs and county level to state and national level.
This first 4-H News Show introduces the 2020-2021 Florida 4-H State Council Officers, along with a story on the state livestock contest and a feature from the national Film Fest 4-H winner.
As the 2020-2021 Florida 4-H State Council Reporter and chairman of the CCS committee, my goals for this year are to make 4-H’ers feel more connected to the state program, spread awareness of the great work 4-H’ers are doing around the state, as well as increasing the involvement of the Executive Board within our counties and clubs.
There have been many times over my 13 years in 4-H that I would have loved to hear about different projects and contests directly from the 4-H members who are involved in them. I believe that our news show will create an avenue for this to happen. I am excited about our new Florida 4-H News Show, and I hope you will tune in to our YouTube channel to view the first episode.
If you are interested in submitting a story idea, send it to Chasity Turner at turnerc@ufl.edu, and we will work on getting a youth field reporter out to do an interview.

Will Eubanks is serving as the 2020-2021 Florida 4-H State Council Reporter. As a 13-year member of Micanopy Friendship 4-H in Alachua County, Will has led leadership activities at the state, national, and international levels. His favorite 4-H projects have been entomology, forestry, civic engagement, leadership, and camp. Through 4-H, Will found his passion for camp and the amazing benefits it has for youth. He will be attending ABAC in fall 2021 for a forestry degree and plans to be a camp naturalist and eventually a camp director. His goal is to inspire youth in nature…while kayaking and singing around the campfire.