Another Opportunity to Win Cash Prizes and a Chromebook

Technological innovations have greatly shaped agriculture throughout time. From the creation of the plow to the global positioning system (GPS) driven precision farming equipment, humans have developed new ways to make farming more efficient and grow more food. Agriculture is often high tech, ranchers, farmers and others use science and technology to collect data, analyze efficiency, monitor growth and quality, and more to save money and yield better crops. However, in order to access these technological advancements, ranchers and farmers need access to reliable, high-speed broadband.
In the first Opportunity4All essay, 4-H members across the state discussed the impact that technology and broadband issues have on Florida’s rural and agricultural communities.
Building from that, please discuss the opportunities and challenges of equal and accessible broadband connectivity in small and rural communities. What challenges hinder deployment and how does connectivity enable technology that enhances the food and agricultural enterprise for all Floridians, resulting in greater food safety, increased efficiency for lower prices, and reduced environmental and ecological impacts?
Put on Your Thinking Cap
Accounting for 40% of your score, the scope of research supporting your essay is an essential judging criterion. The number of sources consulted, the authority of the sources and the variety of the sources are all evaluated. Valued sources of information include personal interviews with elected leaders, farmers, ranchers, small business owners, seniors and others familiar with the subject.
The 2021 Opportunity4All Essay Competition series is open to active 4-H members only. Entered essays must encompass the designated topic only. There will be no exceptions. This competition is open to all 4-H youth regardless of participation in the first competition.
Competition Rules & Essay Requirements
Any 4-H member interested in writing an essay should contact their local Extension office for competition details. Failure to meet any one of the essay requirements will result in disqualification.
- Essay requirements for 4-H judging:
- Computer-generated and formatted following standard manuscript format using double-spaced type and 12pt font in legible font
- Encompass the designated topic in 750 to 1,000 words. Word count does not include sources, works cited or the writer’s biographical
- Citations must exist in a “sources” or “bibliography” page for any factual statements and interview references.
- Rubric – (a) scope of research, 40%; (b) accuracy, 30%; (c) creativity, 10%; (d) conciseness, 10%; and (e) logical development of the topic, 10%.
- On a separate page, please include a brief biographical statement of the writer including mailing address, email address and phone
- Deadline for submission: April 5, 2021
- Top placing entries invited to Real Rural Tech Talk Roundtable: April 9, 2021
- Announcement of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place entries: April 9, 2021 (date pending)
Entries may be submitted for judging via the following link – SUBMIT ENTRIES.
Decisions made by Charter Communications and UF/IFAS Extension, 4-H Youth Development during judging are final. Charter Communications and UF/IFAS Extension, 4-H Youth Development take ownership of any competition entries and may use them as they see fit.
By submitting an essay, participants are agreeing to allow Charter Communications or their assignees to record and photograph their image and/or voice for use in research, educational and promotional programs. These audio, video, and image recordings become shared property of Charter Communications and UF/IFAS Extension, 4-H Youth Development.
Charter Spectrum will award three cash prizes in the Opportunity4All Essay Competition. The prizes will correspond to the highest scoring essay getting first, the second highest getting second, and the third highest getting third.
- First Prize: $750
- Second Prize: $500
- Third Prize: $250
A Chromebook and an opportunity to present/record their winning essay will also be awarded. On Friday April 9, 2021 (date pending) at A Real Rural Tech Talk Roundtable event, winning essays will be presented/featured. Escambia County 4-H Livestock Facility will host the event, located at 5701 Hwy 99, Molino, FL 32577.
Contact the UF/IFAS Extension, 4-H Youth Development Contest Coordinator at
A downloadable version of the information included in this blog post can be found HERE.