Gulf Coast Small Farms Field Day

All commercial vegetable growers are encouraged to attend the 2015 Spring Field Day that will be held on May 29th at the UF/IFAS West Florida Research Education Center (4253 Experiment Way, Jay Florida).
This year’s field day stops include high tunnel organic tomatoes, high tunnel cucumbers, watermelon variety trial, disease identification control in melons, and best management practices for irrigation & fertilizer use. Family and Consumer Science Agents will provide Panhandle Produce Pointers to help you highlight and market your locally grown products with tasty and healthy food preparation and recipes.
This free event is geared to those who sell produce to the public and retailers. We request that you pre-register by visiting this site:
Gulf Coast Small Farms Spring Field Day Flyer


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Posted: May 22, 2015

Category: Agriculture, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition