Get a jump on growing Florida’s favorite fruit at the Tomato and Pepper Plant Sale on Saturday, March 28 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Escambia County Master Gardener Volunteers will offer information and demonstrations on container edibles, along with over 20 different hybrid and heirloom edible selections. We will also have a selection of basils for sale with information on making delicious pesto.
Join us at the Demonstration Gardens, 3740 Stefani Road, Cantonment, FL. The event will occur rain or shine. We are only able to accept cash or checks.
Posted: March 6, 2020
Category: Agriculture, Crops, Events, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, HOME LANDSCAPES, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Basil, Edibles, Escambia County, Fruit, Gardening, Herbs, Master Gardeners, Pensacola, Pepper, Pesto, Plant Sale, Tomato, Tomatoes, Vegetables