Health has been one of my primary preoccupations over the past few years. I often think about nutrition and exercise, maintenance of overall health and physical function, aging, and mortality—not to mention the potential devastation associated with a vast array of situations, environmental hazards, and diseases. However, I must admit that one condition had not crossed my mind until recently. That disease is colorectal cancer.
A publication from the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences provides important information about colorectal cancer, updated screening guidelines, and prevention. It discusses the increasing rates of colorectal cancer, the importance of regular cancer screening tests, several steps to reduce risk, many effective screening methods and their recommended frequency, and modifiable risk factors (i.e., things to limit or avoid, or lifestyle behaviors to reduce). This publication provides the reader with additional resources as well as examples of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activities to support health. Another publication from the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department discusses healthy recipe ideas that are also meant to help reduce cancer risk.
To learn about health topics ranging from breast cancer to heat-related fatalities, you can Ask IFAS.