What do you think about during this time of year?
Early winter may carry different associations for some: post-holiday fatigue or relief; another abrupt change in pace at home or at work; or that familiar determination to fulfill a New Year’s resolution or two.
Perhaps your friends want to increase the duration of their regular walks with their dog around the neighborhood, or maybe you want to finally try your hand at gardening. However, one thing that often comes to mind during this season may hinder those plans. One thing that persists for months, in all its still and punishing splendor. Something uncomfortable and inconvenient at its mildest, but hazardous at its worst.
The cold.
Does this mean that you and your friends must shelve all of your resolutions until spring?
Not necessarily.
If you find yourself vexed as your renewed goals and hopes come up against the frigid air that waits outside, remember that you don’t have to navigate these colder months alone. Ask IFAS can help.
A publication from the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences discusses appropriate preparation and actions for winter weather events.
Additionally, the Ask IFAS topic page on cold injury and frost protection features publications, Blogs.IFAS posts, and links to national winter- and weather-related resources in one convenient place to keep readers informed and to help protect people, animals, plants, and homes from the cold.
For practical information that can help keep you on track and moving forward this season and throughout the year, remember to Ask IFAS.