Extension Collier County

Tag: Water

Become A Better Angler In The New Year With The Florida Friendly Angler Program!

January 6, 2023

It's 2023 and along with those New Year's resolutions, put becoming a better steward of Florida's marine environments and fisheries near top of your list!  Florida is the fishing capital of the world with over 4 million unique fishing license ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Curriculum, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Angler, Catch And Release, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Education, Events, Fisheries, Fishing, Flats Boat, Florida Friendly Angler, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Marine Science, Natural Resources, Offshore, Recreation, Regulations, Science, Sea Grant, Seafood, Smoked Fish, Spearfishing, Sustainable, Tag, Tagging, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Navarre Beach, Florida, photographed for the Naturally Escarosa phone application.

Living and Working Safely In The Florida Sun!

July 21, 2021

This piece was written by Dr. Lindsey Warner and I stumbled upon the article while checking out the UF Lakewatch Program's awesome newsletter! The sun safety info included was one of the most comprehensive and easy to read summaries I've read ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Coasts & Marine, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Work & Life
Tags: Atlantic Ocean, Beach, Boating, Cancer, Carcinoma, Diving, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, Gulf Of Mexico, Heat, Heat Stroke, Keys, Lobster Season, Melanoma, Mini Season, Ocean, Safety, Scallop, Scallop Season, Scalloping, Skin Cancer, SPF, Squamous, Summer Vacation, Sun, Sunny, Sunscreen, UPF, UV, Water, Weather
Johnson Beach at the Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola, Florida, photographed for the Naturally Escarosa phone application.

Inshore Fishing Is Hot In SWFL But Remember To Check The Regulations!

March 20, 2020

A friendly reminder as anglers may have some extra fishing time that there has been a change in inshore fishing regulations. Snook, red drum and spotted seatrout are closed to harvest from Gordon's pass North to Pasco county on Florida's West ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Catch And Release, Coasts And Marine, Collier, Fishing, Florida, Florida Sea Grant, FWC, Naples, Pasco, Red Drum, Redfish, Regulations, Seatrout, Snapper, Snook, Social Distancing, SWFL, Water, West