COVID Cane Toad Removal

Cane Toad With White Poison Excreting Out Of The Parotoid Gland

With many Floridians following the Governor’s safer at home order, homeowners have gotten to know their yard and neighborhood landscaping extremely well! One activity you can participate in while on your walks is the removal of invasive cane toads otherwise known as bufo toads. If you reside in North Florida or in the Panhandle, these toads have yet to make their way over; however, here in Southwest Florida they are commonly found in and around urban and suburban neighborhoods. The University of Florida has excellent resources that should be read and watched before interacting with these toads for your safety, the safety of native toad species and the safety of any household pets that may roam the yard.

Cane Toad Fact Sheet—:

Dealing with nuisance frogs:




Cane Toad Video Series

Video 1—The Cane or ‘Bufo’ Toad: An Invasive Impact on Florida’s Pets:

Video 2—The Cane or ‘Bufo’ Toad: How to Identify this Invasive Pest:

Video 3—The Cane or ‘Bufo’ Toad: Capture and Euthanasia of this Invasive Pest:



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Posted: April 24, 2020

Category: Coasts & Marine, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Amphibian, Bufo Toad, Cane Toad, Collier County, Invasive, Invasive Species, Pest, Poison, SWFL, Toad


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Jessica M. Ryals

March 30, 2022

Yes, there is. All information can be found here:

Hamutahl Cohen

March 11, 2022

Great comment! I have read that sago palm is susceptible to ganoderma sadly...

Yvonne Florian
February 28, 2022

When folks who have lost a palm to ganoderma here, they usually want something that looks like a palm. Here in Indian River County, I suggest 3 plants which sort-of resemble palms: Sago Palm, which is a cycad but really resembles a plam Ponytail palm, which is not a plam nor a cycad and Pandanus, or "Screw Pine", which is neither a palm nor a pine but a very interesting tropical plant with a very large, interesting round cone-type seed pod when mature and spiraling leaf arrangement.

January 23, 2022

I admire your blog , it has of lot of information. You just got one perennial visitor of this blog!

August 11, 2021

Very, very expensive

Michael Sipos

June 24, 2021

That's a tricky one as slippers/bulldozers are not as targeted by commercial divers and I don't believe many slippers get caught in regular spiny lobster traps. I would reach out to some local seafood houses to see if they get them in occasionally, request them from a distributor or if they get some of their product by divers, ask if you could make a request or be contacted when they come in. I know a few Tampa area commercial divers and I believe they sell their speared fish to Shelly's Seafood and would check with them Good luck!

June 24, 2021

I am looking to buy 20 lb of slipper lobster bulldozer lobster spiny lobster and looking for some place in Tampa area to purchase them

June 1, 2021

I want to give thanks to you for sharing such good information

June 1, 2021

pretty good informative

April 20, 2021

Is there a membership for this program?

Michael Sipos

March 29, 2021

Hi Earl, I would be happy to take a look at a picture, my email address is Cane toads and other invasive species are usually/can be more common in urban and disturbed areas where the native critters are pushed out leaving an open ecological niche. I did a search of the Everglades Conservation Area 2 A and looks like it backs up to some urban areas on the East side. The FWC promotes reporting sightings of invasive species as the best form of management is early detection and rapid response before the species become established. You could report the sighting on the I've Got One app or on this website (url below), you can also see where some invasive critters have been spotted/reported as well . For cane toads they may not mobilize a response as they have been established but researchers could find the information useful and interesting if they are moving more towards rural undisturbed areas. -Mike

Earl Mallory
March 27, 2021

I got this last night in Everglades Conservation Area 2A. miles from anything dry. It looks like a cane toad and is the size of a bullfrog. secretions from the glands behind the head. if it is a cane toad, and they are reproducing, bad news for natvive glades frogs. i cant figure out how to attach photos but glad to email to you.

Ken Robertson
January 8, 2021

Great video on sheepshead feeding. Thanks for posting this.

Judith Bergauer
October 30, 2020

Our HOA is requiring residents to hire a tree trimming company to remove the royal palm seed pods ($55 per tree). Do you have any written materials to support nature's "self pruning" of royal palms? The royal palms on our property have never been pruned but the new HOA is determined to excessively prune these palms. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Doug Caldwell "Dr. Dougbug"

October 1, 2020

I just watched NBC2 news with Twyla Leigh and the Vanilla Bean vine plant. My friend, Dr. Henry Herman, Professor at FSW in Fort Myers, gave me a cutting of his plant and it was amazing how healthy it was and grew to flower. I had moved from that home, but would love to have samples to grow at my home in South Fort Myers. I am a master gardener and would love to help produce more Vanilla Bean Orchid plants. Please contact Twyla Leigh at

Suzy Callanan
September 24, 2020

I just watched NBC2 news with Twyla Leigh and the Vanilla Bean vine plant. My friend, Dr. Henry Herman, Professor at FSW in Fort Myers, gave me a cutting of his plant and it was amazing how healthy it was and grew to flower. I had moved from that home, but would love to have samples to grow at my home in South Fort Myers. I am a master gardener and would love to help produce more Vanilla Bean Orchid plants.

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Michael Sipos

September 22, 2020

Hi Albrey, The pictures are great! I believe there is a huge value of having real fish pictures for identification. I'm beginning to stockpile photos of distinguishing characteristics for all the species I now catch/do a segment on. I'm trying to do a species profile/fillet video a week on edible fish found in Florida on our Collier County Sea Grant Facebook page

Albrey Arrington
September 22, 2020

Nice to see you using the helpful species identification clues provided in Fish Rules App. Swipe pics in Fish Rules App to see additional images and identification clues.

suba suba
June 11, 2020

the internet. You actually know how to bring a problem to light

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Michael Sipos

June 8, 2020

Thank you for your kind words! If there are any invasive species you're interested in particular, I would be happy to answer your questions or put you in contact with an expert within the University of Florida network. Feel free to reach out with any requests or ideas for future programming. Have a good one!

Murphy Mary
June 5, 2020

This short article was such a good read that will I will definitely recommend it to the friends! The last moment I’ve read some thing as professionally composed was with at Thank a person for the professionalism and a watch regarding details. Is going to be pleased to read a lot more of your respective writing!

Gaylene Vasaturo
May 11, 2020

Thanks for your info--i didn't realize this was the problem with my porterweed until the plants were quite infected with the caterpillars. I've cut the stems as you suggest...but continually find many I've missed. The infestation is pretty established. What's the best course of action? I've cut back the porterweed substantially, but probably the moths are around and will continue to infect. If I remove the porterweed completely...and start over, must I continually (almost daily) check the plants for infestation? I've had the plants for a few years before the problem occurred.

Gaylene Vasaturo
May 3, 2020

i have a big infestation of this on my native porter weed. Didn't really notice it until it has really devasted my plants an is spreading. It is overwhelming the plants. The caterpiller appears to burrow down inside the stem and then the branch dies. It may be too late for me to control it by just cutting the infected stems out. How do I get these insects under control. Do I need to remove all the porter weed and let the ground remain dormant for a while? I have the infestation in my backyard, but have porterweed in the front also, and I observed early signs of infestation in the front. Would appreciate your advice. So glad you've identified my problem.

Angel Raudner
January 21, 2020

Thank you so much! Wish so many of my "natives" and Florida friendly, like Wild Coffee, were a bit more cold sensitive. Not sure how I'll have time and ability to protect my 100' hedge row, but we'll give it a valiant try.

Rancho Cordova Tree
January 9, 2020

You're very right about that! We completely agree!

North Shore
December 27, 2019

I want to give thanks to you for sharing such good information!! North Shore Tree Services

Tree Surgeon Hastings
September 23, 2019

Great Share! Hastings Tree Surgeon

August 22, 2019

Cool stuff. Tree Service

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Jessica M. Ryals

December 3, 2018

George, let's set up a time to talk! Give the Extension Office a ring: 239-252-4800 - Jessica

September 21, 2018

Who do I need too talk to the bosses on location??? Am a great talented Chef wanting my own business truck.And knowing dealing Bosses but you. Z And to put healthy great food for the tourists. I leave here for 5years and know know proveries and fisherman.. Gradauted CIAn 2005, like to know permits and costs before I get a food truck please let me know. Best Regards, George Vassilev

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Jessica M. Ryals

September 4, 2018

Hi Seth, the event has already passed. Feel free to call our Collier County Extension Office at 239-252-4800.

Seth Trombley
August 31, 2018

Hi I want to buy 2 tickets to the Collier county tropical fruit road tour please give me a number to contact someone the link is not working for me. thank you

Doug Caldwell "Dr. Dougbug"

August 28, 2018

For the royal poinciana caterpillar, carbaryl or a pyrethroid (bifenthrin) should work. Remember just to spray the bole of the tree from the ground up to 3 or 4 feet. No need to spray the canopy as explained in the posted FSHS article.

Drew Ellison
August 28, 2018

So what do we use to kill them? Seven?

Annette Brody
July 18, 2018

Love the pics!!!!

joyce berkoski
March 15, 2018

Can't seem to be able to sign up for the ag tour. Would like to go, are there any available seats left. Thanks, Joyce Berkoski 239 732 5847

Kathy O’Connor, Driftwood Landscape
December 8, 2017

I want to compliment Jill for being the Naples face of American Farms. She is innovative knowledgeable and personable. You have a true Gem!

Dr. Steve Hardiman, Ed. D
December 6, 2017

We in Iowa followed the hurricane devastation in Naples and its impact on American Farms. Kudos to Alex and the employees for their efforts to rebuild.

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