Salivating Over Salvias

Written by Connie Gladding, Master Gardener Volunteer

Salvias are the quintessential flowers to attract pollinators to your garden which is ideal for the vegetable garden or fruit trees. Salvias range from 2 to 4 feet high and come in an array of colors ranging from white and yellow through salmon and pink to scarlet red, and purple. The plant sale will have yellow, red, pink and purple salvias available. Salvias prefer a loamy soil which includes clay and sand containing compost. They are heat lovers and prefer full sun to explode into bright colors. They are also drought tolerant and will take some abuse from poor water habits which is a plus in Florida’s hot and humid climate. Salvias are low maintenance with few pests making them the perfect choice for an easy care plant that comes back year after year in your garden. They might look poorly after a frost but with a good haircut will come back to life.

You and the bees salivate over salvias and more at the Master Gardener’s annual plant sale sponsored by the UF/IFAS Extension Clay County office on Saturday, August 7 from 7:30 to noon. The plant sale has many plants ranging from African Iris to Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. All plant sale proceeds are used to care for the gardens at the U/IFAS Extension Clay County office and education of the public.

You can find more information about salvia characteristics and care at


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Posted: August 1, 2021

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Florida-Friendly, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Landscape, Landscaping, Master Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteer, Native