Club Officer Spotlight: Secretary

How is your penmanship? Do you enjoy writing and taking note? The Secretary is one of the most important offices in the club. The Secretary maintains the records for the club. You must maintain a working relationship with the President to be sure that the records are accurate and timely.

Take a look at the requirements for the club Secretary as well as the job description to find out more about what the job of the Vice President entails.

Job Requirements:
-Must be in 4th grade or older
-Must have been enrolled in 4-H for more than 1 year.
-Must be willing and able to speak in front of a group.
-Must be organized
-Must possess readable handwriting
-Must be able to attend meetings and submit minutes in a timely manner

Job Description:
The Secretary of a 4-H Club is the record keeper for the club. The Secretary should be prepared for the following tasks:
-Research what should be included in meeting minutes and become aware of what is required for the Florida 4-H Secretary’s Book.
-Record officers elected, committees appointed, and other business discussed during club meetings.
-Call roll and/or record attendance.
-Present printed or verbal meeting minutes during club meetings.
-Send thank-you notes to supporters, guest speakers, etc.
-Complete the Secretary’s Book


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Posted: August 25, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers, Curriculum
Tags: Club Officer, Secretary