4-H Garden Club starts March 6th

It’s time to start getting those seeds in trays for spring planting so kids come on out and join the new 4-H Garden Club. We will be meeting each Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm CT. The first meeting will be March 6th at the Calhoun County Extension Office. The club is for youth ages 5-12 as of September 1, 2016. We plan to have lots of fun as we plant seed trays, make seed tapes, prepare raised beds for planting, and care for and maintain our plants with weekly watering and weeding. And the best part, we get to eat what we harvest! We will also be doing some fun activities and games that will strengthen our gardening skills.

Registration deadline is 4:30 pm on February 28th. The cost to join the club is $5.00. For more information, please call Peg Frith at the Calhoun County 4-H office 674-8323. You can also visit our website calhoun.ifas.ufl.edu or like us on facebook at calhouncountyflorida4h.

(4-H is open to ALL youth between the ages of 5-18 regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, ethnicity, gender, or disability. Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations need to contact the 4-H office at least 10 working days prior to the program so that proper consideration may be given to the request.)


Posted: February 17, 2017

Category: 4-H & Youth, UF/IFAS Extension

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