Post-Doc Position in Animal Nutrition Available at Agroscope in Switzerland

Agroscope is the Swiss Center of excellence for agricultural research and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture. The research focus of the livestock production research groups of Agroscope Posieux is to develop tools applicable to the farmers and feed industry for a sustainable and competitive production of milk, and meat as the basis of healthy, safe, high quality foodstuffs and supplements.
Agroscope is offering a two-year Post-Doc position in a multidisciplinary research team. 
The Post-Doc project will focus on implementation of in vitro technologies for animal nutrition research.The objective of the proposed project is to unravel mechanisms, which explains intra-animal differences in intestinal nutrient absorption – with emphasis on amino acids. 

The successful candidate will be expected to:

  • Implementation of in vitro methods to support ongoing livestock research projects
  • Support in the design and realization of ongoing and future research projects
  • Assure knowledge transfer to lab technicians
  • Present results in scientific publications and on conferences


  • Highly motivated early career investigator with a PhD in biology or animal physiology
  • Experience in cell culture, molecular biology and Ussing chamber use
  • Achievement-oriented personality with excellent capacity for teamwork

To apply, submit an application online to Online applications consist of a single PDF containing an application letter, CV, list of publications, copy of certificates and Email addresses of 2 referees.

Application and travel expenses in the context of the application cannot be reimbursed.

For further information, please feel free to contact Dr. Giuseppe Bee, research leader of the pig production group [] or Dr. Paolo Silacci, leader of the research animal biology group [].

The selection process is starting now and will be continued until staffing.


Posted: March 9, 2018


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