Armadillos: Midnight Lawn Marauders

Appearing clumsy and bumbling at first glance, these exotic invaders quickly damage landscapes in search of tasty insects.
Appearing clumsy and bumbling at first glance, these exotic invaders quickly damage landscapes in search of tasty insects.
by Les Harrison

It can be pretty discouraging to step out one morning to find a lawn pock-marked like the lunar surface. Stunned surprise then anger is usually the owner’s response.

The offender is not the neighborhood teenager with a reputation for inappropriate practical jokes. The offender is most likely an armadillo, sometimes identified as a Florida-speed-bump or a Possum-on-the-half-shell.

Armadillos eat mostly adult insects and their larvae. They incessantly dig holes in lawns and landscapes in their search for food, many times uprooting plants and turf in their food search. Their holes are approximately one to three inches deep and three to five inches wide.

Using insecticides to decrease the armadillo food supply is not guaranteed, but may help reduce the digging. In cases where there is a large, and always ravenous, armadillo population this reduction of food may increase digging activity as they search more diligently for a smaller food supply.

Another consideration is all chemical treatments have to be re-applied on a permanent basis for impact. Always read and follow label instructions for safe use of insecticides.
To add insult to landscape injury, armadillos burrow under driveways, foundations and patios potentially causing structural damage. Additionally, their burrows in pastures pose a potential leg-injury hazard to livestock.

Because armadillos are nocturnal, trapping techniques designed to capture them as they emerge from their burrows should be applied late in the afternoon and checked several hours after darkness. Fencing is another potential option to discourage the presence of armadillos.

Several live-trapping techniques can be used to capture armadillos as they exit of their burrows. One method is to firmly insert a six-inch diameter PVC pipe into the entrance of an active burrow. Adult armadillos will get stuck in the pipe as they try to exit. Another option involves a nylon throw-net staked down to cover the burrow entrance. Armadillos will get tangled in the net as they emerge.

Armadillos can also be trapped using a raccoon-size metal trap, available from local pest control, feed and home improvement stores. These animals are more likely to enter a cage trap with leaf litter or soil placed over the wire bottom.

Suggested baits for the trap are live earthworms or meal worms in surrounding soil placed in hanging bags made of old nylon stockings. Overripe or spoiled fruit which will attract insects may be used as bait. Poison baits are illegal and no chemical repellents or fumigants are registered for use in Florida.

Relocating problem animals is not recommended because it only transfers the problem elsewhere and can spread disease.

To learn more about controlling armadillos contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office or read Baiting the Nine-banded Armadillo at


Posted: October 20, 2014

Category: HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease
Tags: Armadillos, Critter Corner, Invasive Species, Panhandle Gardening, Pests, Wildlife


James Hargrove
October 23, 2021

Thank you, Cathy. This week, we will tackle the new beds. I enjoyed meeting John last week and we had fun, with Helen and Becky both coming to help also.

James Hargrove
October 23, 2021

Thank you, Inagree, and I do plan to return a few native plants to my yard…SGI is a major migratory bird stopover, I try to plant for our former food chain.

Catherine Franklin
October 22, 2021

This is really a great article! I really enjoyed reading this and the words bring all of us closer. We are a neat bunch making up the Franklin County Master Gardeners and all Master Gardeners!

John Ward
October 21, 2021

You wrote a very funny story for a very sad plant issue. I wish you had let the readers know just how invasive and horrible Mexican Petunia is. It is taking over Florida, and is (as you mentioned), very difficult to exterminate. It is a Category I FLEPPC invasive here and should be illegal to grow. I hope things get better for you and your yard. St. George Island is where my wife and I went on our honeymoon. I've never forgotten it. It's a very special place indeed! You're a lucky man!!

James Hargrove
September 2, 2021

Thank you for the information. I learned in our Franklin County MGV class that my wife had planted three specimen Hamelia patens in our south facing yard on St. George Island. I am going back today to weed and put landscape cloth around them so they can thrive. Also liked seeing examples of your MGV blogs, thanks.

Pat Williams

August 9, 2021

Our article was written with the northern panhandle yard in mind where firebush is close to its northern limit. In central Florida, you can maintain your shrub at full size year round. We cut them back in late spring here because our winter temperatures freeze them. It sounds like you have the dwarf firebush and that will stay in the 8-10' range. They can be cut back during the winter months if the size out grows your area. For more information, you can contact your local county horticulture agent. Thanks for the comment and good luck with your plant. They really are amazing plants for attracting wildlife.

August 8, 2021

I have two hamelia patens in my yard and they're about 8' tall. This is in central Florida so that may make a difference. It is without a doubt the most popular plant in the landscape for birds and pollinators. Bees and wasps go nuts on them all day long. Quite a show to behold! Are you saying it's ok to cut them down to 6" above ground, or cut 6" off the top of each stem or branch? Thanks for the article!

JoAnn Green
August 20, 2020

Nice job, Michele! Thanks!

Mary Cortese
August 19, 2020

Thank-you for the beautiful mural. All your work at the Extension Office is greatly appreciated!!


July 13, 2020

Hello Louis, The great part about our "Coastal Recipe of the Month" BLOG is how we have linked you right to Fresh from Florida website that provides some really delicious recipes like the ones you are searching for. Simply click right in our BLOG on the Fresh from Florida logo and it will take you to their site where you can do a direct search for a variety of great recipes. I took the liberty to look for "smoked fish dip" and it yielded quite a variety for you to choose from at As for red snapper recipe: Go to our BLOG and click on the Fresh from Florida logo and you will see for yourself how the pictures alone will make your mouth water. Thank you, Wakulla County Extension

Louis Bramblett
July 11, 2020

I am looking for a smoked fish dip recipe and a Red Snapper recipe. do you have any suggestions?


July 7, 2020

They can take on a variety of looks but yours sounds the same. Feel free to email our Master Gardener Volunteers at for any further verification with some pictures of what you have. They will do their best to share their knowledge of what it could be. Thank you, Wakulla County Extension

Elaine Lombardi
June 28, 2020

Mine look like carrot shavings or tiny orange squid. They don’t look like an upside down carrot as pictured. Could mine be the same?

Joann Green
May 27, 2020

Nice job, Michele! Thanks!


February 20, 2020

It is good to know that Spanish moss is not toxic in any way. It has been re-purposed and known to be used as stuffing of mattresses back in the day.

Verron Federation
February 5, 2020

Great article. We own a snake control - snake removal business in Johns Creek, GA and I preach all the time to people to allow us to leave non-venomous snakes in their yard - especially Rat Snakes and Kingsnakes. First of all, Rat Snakes are Mother Nature's Pest Control which means they keep the rodent population in check naturally. Secondly, Kingsnakes eat venomous Copperhead snakes which are prolific in our area. So there are many benefits to leaving certain snakes in your yard. They can be beneficial.

Carleydavi. Com
February 4, 2020

Is it safe to use Spanish moss for squirrel bedding

Ty Betancourt
December 29, 2019

Just saw my first one here in Orlando as well.

JoAnn Green
December 22, 2019

What a great recipe, Linda! Thanks! JoAnn

jual boiler
December 13, 2019

I must thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this website. I really hope to see the same high-grade blog posts by you later on as well. In truth, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own blog now Jual Steam Boiler/ketel Uap


November 19, 2019

You are correct. Thank you, Marc. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Here is advice from the extension service in Prince George County, Maryland: Wild grape vines are native and good for wildlife, but they are rampant growers! ('Invasive' usually means a foreign invading plant these days.) So they can be a real problem in home landscapes. The easiest way to handle them is to cut them down at the base and IMMEDIATELY treat the freshly cut stump with an herbicide with glyphosate or triclopyr. Do not let the herbicide get on the trunks of your trees (or anything but the vine). You can use a shield of cardboard or plastic to keep the spray off your desirable plants. You don't have to remove the vine from the tree. It will decompose in place, but it is heavy, so you may want to remove it at least as high as you can easily reach. This is a plant with a big root system with lots of energy reserves. It will probably start sending up new shoots quickly or next spring. Spray them immediately with the herbicide. (Do not get any spray on the trees or other desirable plants) The leaves absorb more of the herbicide, so they are actually helpful in getting the herbicide to the root system. Both the herbicides are systemic, which means they will be absorbed into the system of the plant and translocated down to the root system. Spraying shoots in the fall is especially effective. It may take a while to exhaust the energy reserves and get enough herbicide down to the roots, but just be persistent. It will happen. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Mary – Here is one preemergent herbicide for purple nutsedge – one with the active ingredient S-matolachlor or trade name Pennant Magnum. Here is a link to the full University of Florida publication that includes both pre- and post-emergent herbicides: If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Lee – ‘Dismiss’ is a post-emergent herbicide that you use on growing sedges. Two pre-emergent herbicides that have some suppressive effect are Tower and Free Hand. I am also including a link to a detailed publication by the University of Florida that includes more information about pre- and post-emergent control of nut sedges. Our Master Gardeners have used the ‘Dismiss’ brand with sulfentrazone with decent results. It does need to be re-applied 3-4 times for good results. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Joshua – The pre-emergent herbicide you use depends on the types of weeds you wish to control. Broadleaf weeds like dandelions are different from the purple and yellow nut sedges, and therefore you will use two different pre-emergent herbicides. I am attaching a publication by the University of Florida about nut sedges, and towards the end of the document is information about pre- and post-emergent herbicides. You will want to apply a pre-emergent herbicide before the weeds begin to germinate and appear in your lawn. For the cool season broadleaf weeds like dandelion, betony, henbit, etc. It is best to apply this in late October or early November and then do a second application in late December or early January. For warm season broadleaf weeds and sedges, you will want to apply the herbicide in late February or early March. Be sure to read the label to make sure the herbicide you apply will be safe to use on your particular lawn type. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Diane – Smilax is a difficult vine to control because of the underground tubers that can grow very large. I found an article from the University of Georgia that might be of interest to you. Here is the link:: An herbicide with the active ingredient being either glyphosate or triclopyr works best. You will probably have to be vigilant and do several applications. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Thank you, Jennifer. We hope so too. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

While lubbers are in this nymph stage (small, black with yellow stripe) is the best time to get rid of these as the adults are much more difficult to eradicate. Options include pesticides that have one or more of the following ingredients; carbaryl, bifenthrin, cyphalothrin, permethrin or esfenvalerate. Other options include diatomaceous earth which can be dusted over the insects as they are active. Diatomaceous earth is harmless to the lawn and deadly to the grasshoppers. If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to


November 19, 2019

Hello Ted, A copy is waiting for you here at the Wakulla County Extension Office at 84 Cedar Avenue, Crawfordville, FL 32327 We are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I have held one aside for you with your name on it. Just ask for it when you come in. Thank you, Patricia Standeford Program Assistant


October 22, 2019

Hello Ted, You are welcome to come visit us here at the UF/IFAS Wakulla County Extension Office at 84 Cedar Avenue, Crawfordville, FL 32327. We are open Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We have plenty to give to you and your friends. Patricia Standeford Program Assistant UF IFAS/Wakulla County Extension 850-926-3931

Ted Murphy
October 22, 2019

Please let me know how to get a copy of East to Grow Wildflowers Magazine.

Marc Weiss
October 13, 2019

That's not a box turtle in the photo. It's one of the aquatic sliders. Box turtles are are more terrestrial and often colorful.

Stephen Hartsfield
October 7, 2019

Les, just saw your site. Thanks for your efforts. I've become obsessed with the destructive impact of the muscadine vine across the state of FLORIDA. Its pulling down all of the grand old Oak trees and as one who was born and raised in Florida it is disheartening. I've just reached out to IFAS and UF sources, but do not expect any real support. Please walk any Wakulla trail or drive any FL Hwy and see the impact of the destructive nature of this vine. Makes kudzu look like a .... What can be done before it is too late and how can I participate?

September 24, 2019

What per-emergent herbicide do you recommend for purple nutsedge?

Lee Mayhan
September 18, 2019

Mr. Harrison ,I live in N-E Arkansas and have Yellow Nut Sedges. When is the best time to spray premergence,plan on using Dismis herbicide. Lee Mayhan Jonesboro,AR.

diane evans
September 14, 2019

What broadleaf herbicide is recommended for similax?

Jennifer Wedlake
September 10, 2019

We have just found out through the extension office in Manatee County that our beautiful red bays and avocado tree will most likely be gone within months. Thank you for this article and information and I will remain hopeful that there is a solution in the future.

Patrick W Dowling
September 2, 2019

Asking for any help for protecting my lawn/garden from the lubber grasshopper.

September 2, 2019

We have them here in middleburg fl which is in clay county. They were deemed extinct in 2011 but we still have them here lol... Like to find out how to bring them back lol....

August 19, 2019

Nice article Les. These weeds are my most difficult challenge! I just keep mowing and pulling them up.

Samantha Kennedy

August 15, 2019

Hi Stephanie! Yes, we are planning on having another Living on My Own workshop in Wakulla County. We have not yet decided a date, but please stay tuned to this blog and our Facebook page for more information. We will definitely share the date when it is decided. Thank you, Samantha Kennedy Family & Consumer Sciences Agent UF/IFAS Extension Wakulla County

Stephanie Raker
August 14, 2019

Any chance you will offer this again soon in Wakulla County?

Charles B Peabody
August 10, 2019

Just noticed first one in neighborhood, east side of Orlando

Donna Nussel
July 13, 2019

First sighting of one slithering up a window at a restaurant in Gainesville, FL. Rainy evening, approximately 7 pm. Didn’t realize what is was, until researched.

March 1, 2019

What is a good Florida lawn pre-emergent to use?


November 30, 2018

This article is for public information purposes. You will need to refer to your local DCF for all questions or concerns.


November 30, 2018

This article is for public information purposes. You will need to refer to your local DCF for all questions or concerns.


November 30, 2018

Not sure about the microwave, but a dip in boiling water (holding the moss with tongs) was the traditional way of "de-bugging".


November 30, 2018

Thank you. We will be having another Plant Sale in the Spring 2019. We will be blogging about the times and dates after the new year. Glad to have fresh readers join the "blogosphere" and enjoy our stories. Stay tuned as we continue to post new articles\ to come. Have a happy holiday season and a happy new year. The Wakulla County Extension
November 26, 2018

That is a very good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate information? Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!

Aubrey Ammons
November 17, 2018

Darryl Keeton, Ponce De Leon, Fl. didn't sign his application. How can he sign in?

Patricia Givens
November 8, 2018

I didn't know about the program and it is closed for Bay county. Is there is any way I can still apply? I am a single mother with 3 children living in Panama City, FLorida. I am not currently receiving any SNAP benefits.

October 9, 2018

Considering using Spanish Moss for decorative packaging of product. Could I microwave small batches in microwave to avoid critters? Thanks, Kendall

Christy Noftz
September 7, 2018

After reading your column about seed spread, I feel doomed! The Chamberbitter is everywhere! I pull and pull and pull to no avail. It comes back with a vengeance! Is there anything I can do to kill this stuff for good? Help!


August 16, 2018

Cathy, It is difficult to be sure of the species when common names are used. What we call it Florida might be (but not always) something different than the name used in Indiana. That said, your information indicates the unfortunate man had an encounter with spiny pigweed. This agronomic pest, also known as spiny amaranth, has abundant and very sharp thorns. Your continuing pokeweed problem is likely seed which are germinating from previous plants. One plant can produce hundreds of seed which are capable of lying dormant in the soil waiting for favorable sprouting conditions. Your persistence will be required to control this weed. Les G.L. Harrison County Extension Director, Ag & Natural Resources Wakulla County Extension 84 Cedar Avenue Crawfordville, FL 32327 850-926-3931

July 15, 2018

A TV station reported this week of a man that got skin damage by disposing of a weed he called hogweed or pigweed. the leaves brushed his face when he was cutting it out. could this be pokeweed? I have been fighting pokeweed in our yard for the past 2 years. I first noticed it growing behind the shed. I was fascinated by the largeness of the stem and then the flowers. When I looked it up and found it was a poisonous pant I cut it down and sprayed it well to kill the root. Since then I see plants pop up all over the place. I live in Indianapolis, IN.

Tom Barzyk
July 2, 2018

Thanks for posting information on the Milkweed Assassin Bug. Confirms my insect encounter while taking photos at the lake reserve near the beach at Abby Hanna Park in Jacksonville, Florida! Two of the critters were jousting atop a Spotted Water Hemlock bloom which made for an interesting photo topic. A variety of butterflies found among the abundant Water Hemlock plant blooms along the lake shore were the primary target to test a new camera body and and older telephoto lens. All in all a successful day for photographing insects of which I know little. A good article put to use by someone who has little knowledge of insect and plant life.


June 12, 2018

Have you consider there are two different vine sex male and female, sounds like you might have male vines?

Jayaraj MS
May 31, 2018

Nice article. Thank you much for the great information and good knowledge. This is really helpful.

john newmann
May 30, 2018

GCf8VC I truly appreciate this post. I have been looking everywhere for this! Thank God I found it on Google. You ave made my day! Thanks again

Tom Beaty
May 21, 2018

My wild Fox grape has plenty of blooms but never develop into grapes. Which grape will pollinate the fox grape. I live in Gainesville, Florida.

May 3, 2018

How interesting. I try not to squash the Lubbers. Unless they are on a plant I want to eat too.


April 23, 2018

Hello Ms. Gail, sorry for the delayed response. Deer moss is a lichen species, a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and algae. Under the right environmental conditions they grow, albeit slowly. When the growing conditions are not favorable deer moss degrades and becomes less visible, usually residing under leaf litter and other forest debris. Also, fire from a controlled burn (or any other source) will kill lichens. Let us know if you have further questions!

Gail Doukas
March 20, 2018

I used to find a lot of deer moss on the empty lots around me. With the building that erupted in 2007/08, not so much but still around. I went out looking for some and couldn’t find any. That’s not totally unusual, but sometimes it’s there and other times not. I don’t see a season for their growth. Can I get some information on this other than what you already have here? Thank you

March 11, 2018

A swimming pool fence is most important for kids safety. It saves and restrict the access of small children. Vinyl fencing products offers all type of fences including pool fences.


February 21, 2018

Sorry for the delayed reply Ms. Nancy. While it is too late to join Master Gardeners Class in 2018 we will welcome new comers in 2019. Here is a link to our web page pertaining to Master Gardener Class. Let us know if you have any further questions.

February 4, 2018

Prof Shlizerman worked with biologist colleagues, including Steven Reppert at the University of Massachusetts, to record directly from neurons in the butterflies' antennae and eyes.

February 4, 2018

When planting watermelon you can either plant seeds or transplants; just be careful with transplants as watermelons have sensitive roots.

Nancy Braden
January 16, 2018

Looking for information on the Master Gardner class.

Steav Smith
November 30, 2017

That's a great initiative by Jefferson County Extension office. People with low income find it very difficult to prepare their tax. This will definitely help people regarding their tax preparation.

Wakulla Extension
September 11, 2015

We also tested several pepper cultivars, but the results were inconclusive. We'll post future tests online as we continue our research. Thank you for reading!

August 17, 2015

GOOD information. Would be nice to know what other vegetables were tested...

July 16, 2015

I have some of the Adam's needle growing naturally on a lot we've just purchased. I've also heard it referred to as bear grass and have wondered why. What is the plant just behind the yucca in your photo, I'm thinking rosemary or conradina. I would like to add plants that work well with the Adam's needle. Many thanks

Wakulla Extension
July 2, 2015

You can certainly try, as they are a very hardy plant! They typically require 8-10 hours of full sun, but they can survive with up to 20% shade. Let us know if you have any other questions: (850)926-3931.

June 29, 2015

I can't grow them b/c they need full sun. Right?

Chase Wilson
May 29, 2015

Interesting! I have been raking up my leaves for years but this is a much better idea! I guess throwing my leaves away was fertilizing the garbage dump! Is it better to have a stable soil base before I throw some leaf mulch like this on top, or would it be better to chunk it up so it can be absorbed quicker?

Bill Gable
March 8, 2015

Good evening Les: I have not heard from you in a while. Just wanted to say hello. Please text or email you contact information with your email and I will send you a pic of Ms. Ellie. Can you believe she just turned six, has her own horse, Jon Deere battery powered gator, and loves to help Daddy check on the cows with the four wheeler. And she loves to model dresses, especially princess dresses. Thank you, Bill Gable.

Sigrid Benson
November 5, 2014

Thanks. I will go to the website and email address you gave me. I had just read an article in the Gulf Breeze News about a coral snake in someone's front yard. I think the police, who responded to the homeowner's call, could have done something other than hack the snake to death. I had a coral snake in my yard several years ago, and I was fascinated: I waited it out and finally it moved on. I would have have acted differently if my over-eager dog wanting to catch it was out there with me! I just wanted to see if there is some guide for responders to snake calls.

Carrie Stevenson
October 28, 2014

Sigrid, I would recommend you add your email to the "Panhandle Outdoors" newsletter/blog. One of our Escambia agents, Rick O'Connor, writes frequently about snakes, their benefits, identification and handling encounters with them in a yard. You can also contact him directly at for specific questions. There's lots of information available on this topic; however reducing a long-held fear is often more difficult than teaching folks to properly identify them.

Sigrid Benson
October 23, 2014

I didnot sign up for a blog. I signed up for help in getting information about wildlife in housing developments. I already read the article about armadillos and wanted more specific information. And information not just aobut armadillos but also about snakes.

Sigrid Benson
October 23, 2014

So you recommend killing armadillos? What's the most humane way to do that? And by the way, when a coral snake comes in your yard, it is NOT a time to panic, as one homeowner did in Gulf Breeze last week. The responding policeman used a hoe to beat and hack the poor snake to death. What do you recommend for coral snakes (who are not that aggressive) and truly aggressive snakes like rattlers? Are there any applicable pamphlets I could get so we could make sure the police and fire departments get to learn the best way to handle those situations with hysterical homeonwers?

stan luczak
October 22, 2014

Is killing them the only solution once they are caught?

Doug Mayo
August 4, 2014

There are two herbicides that can be used to control horse nettles: the best choice is GrazonNext, and the other option is Remedy. Both products have a zero day grazing restriction, so they can be sprayed with the horses in the pasture. If the horse nettles are not everywhere you can spot treat the weeds and greatly reduce bot the cost and exposure to the herbicides. The GrazonNext is the preferred product, because it not only kills the weds, but also will control seedlings that emerge for several months after application.

Julia wickens
July 29, 2014

Horsenettle has become very invasive in one of our hay pastures where we grow Pennington Cheyenne Bermuda grass for horses. How can we get this under control without using herbicides unsafe for horses?

Devanand Hingoo
July 7, 2014

I am a consulting engineer and project developer. I am very interested in the prospects of Carinata as a bio-fuel. Any informtion available would be most welcome. Regards Devanand Hingoo

Sally Bean
December 5, 2013

Thank you. I have been planning to use 10% of enhanced agricultural vinegar but was waiting for cooler weather as per a story on the web. In the Spring I will try the notorious Roundup, if necessary, Yes, I will keep trying!

Matthew Orwat
December 5, 2013

Sally thank you for your interest. We have several articles on cogongrass on our ag site and in our archives. See the links below for more information. COGON GRASS ARTICLE: ID and Control of Cogongrass Cogongrass web site Cogongrass is best controlled with mixtures of glyphosate and imazapyr. This is typically done in pine forests, right of way areas or pastures. Home gardeners need to be careful when using such products since these herbicides will kill broadleaf perennials, shrubs and annuals. The only method I'd recommennd would be careful spot treatment with glyphosate by brushing on the product. Do not get any on the desirable plant material and follow all label directions. Do not incorporate imazapyr into the mix since it will keep the area bare for 6 months. The other alternative is to kill everything and start over once the cogongrass is 100% eradicated.

Matthew Orwat
December 5, 2013

Hello Joyce, Unfortunately, there is not a selective herbicide for the vine that will not harm the shrub as well. What I have had success with in the past is to wick or paint glyphosate (also sold as roundup, under many other names as well) on to the leaves of the vine, while being careful to not get even one drop on the desirable shrub. This may need to be repeated 2-3 times. It worked well for me. Always follow label directions when mixing and wear appropriate clothing according to the label directions. It is more effective in warmer weather.

Joyce Key
December 3, 2013

I have this vine in a few of my shrubs. I try to pull it out, but don't get the roots as they are deep within the shrub. Is there a herbecide I can use on the vine that won't harm the shrub? If not, how do I get rid of it?

Sally Bean
December 3, 2013

I wish you would include a discussion of Cogongrass which is listed as one of the (if not #1) most noxious weeds in the world. I have it and it appeared after Hurricane Ivan. I have tried everything I have read about it to remove it, without success. I am desperate as it is now in my flower garden. Will appreciate any suggestions!

Matthew Orwat
November 6, 2013

If you can find it; Carya aquatica, Water Hickory, would be your best choice. Read more by following this link for a publication on Water Hickory.

Martha Lyle
October 29, 2013

My home is at the top of Escambia Bay, very poor soil. There's a small creek that runs through my property into the bay. I think in the past we may have had hickory trees growing down near the water, but I don't know what kind. Which of the three would you suggest for my site? Appreciate your help!

sue wiley
September 15, 2013

thanks for info re mimosa. yuk!!! they are so hard to control. sue

Les Harrison
August 9, 2013

Cantaloupes are planted March - April in our area. They are fun to grow and were very successful in our garden. Visit our free publication site at to get a copy of The Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide. It has all the information you need about planting vegetables in our area.

Karen Loewen
July 22, 2013

So, it's too late to plant Cantaloupes now?

May 17, 2013

As always, Mr. Harrison provides us all with good solid information that benefits us with with what it takes for successful gardening! Thanks for sharing.

Comments are closed.

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