Why Eggs?

Why Eggs?

This is the time of year when people hear “Easter,” they think of Easter egg hunt. Eggs can be used for more than just an Easter Egg Hunt, although Easter is when you can purchaseEgg picture eggs at their lowest price.

While eggs often are eaten for the protein value, they also contain other nutrients. Eggs provide vitamin A, riboflavin, minerals, and other vitamins. The yolk contains saturated fat and cholesterol, which is a concern for those with high cholesterol.

There is a vast variety of egg substitutes* on the market if you need to avoid the cholesterol. Some examples are:
o Egg whites ®
o Egg Beaters ®
o No eggs ®
o Egg Replacer ®
o Vegan Egg Replacer ®
o Gluten-free Egg Substitute ®

Why eggs? Because they are healthy – whether you select the real thing or a substitute.

*The use of trade names in this article is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UF/IFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this article does not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition.


Author: sbouie – sbouie@ufl.edu

Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent in Jefferson County. I am a Florida A & M University graduate. My teaching experience includes Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Texas and South Korea.

Living Well in the Panhandle


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Posted: March 14, 2016

Category: Health & Nutrition, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Eggs, Living Well In The Panhandle

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