As W-2 forms and other receipts start rolling in, we’re reminded that tax season is upon us once again. It’s exciting to get back some of your own hard-earned money in the form of a tax refund! Saving a portion of your tax refund can be a big step toward meeting your savings goals, so it’s no surprise that a 2015 tax season survey found that a majority of those who receive a refund planned to save it.
This tax season, reward yourself for saving some of your refund by entering for a chance to win $ 25,000 through SaveYourRefund. SaveYourRefund has 101 cash prizes, including 100 weekly prizes of $ 100 and one grand prize of $ 25,000. Making smart financial decisions isn’t always easy, but splitting your refund couldn’t be simpler. Follow these quick and easy steps to enter to win in 2016:
- Use Form 8888 to split your refund. Entry to win with SaveYourRefund starts with splitting your refund into savings.
- Save $ 50 or more of your tax refund. In order to enter, use Form 8888 to save at least $ 50. There are a number of accounts you can save into including a savings account, a U.S. Treasury Direct account (savings bond), and a myRA retirement account.
- Visit to enter. You will automatically be eligible to win one of ten $ 100 prizes that will be given away every week from the start of the contest until the end of tax season.
- Upload a picture here that represents your savings goal or motivation, and you’ll be entered to win the $ 25,000 grand prize!
Need tax assistance? Take advantage of a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. VITA programs offer free tax help to those who generally make $ 53,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers.
Get ahead of your financial goals by splitting your tax refund into savings, and reward yourself with SaveYourRefund!
Source: Tammy Greynolds,