Favorable Pond Plants for Zone 9

Finding the right plant for right location is rarely a difficult task however, with the right tools in place this daunting task can be quite enjoyable. The Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM program has plethora of resources and information to assist homeowners with proper plant selection.

Volusia County lies in zone 9b and 10a according to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. This tool allows individuals to determine their plant growing zone by inputting their zip code into the national database. With new developments arising daily, the interest in plants that thrive in wet environments is increasing as well.

Incorporating the right plants for wet areas will aid in reducing erosion and preventing excess nutrients from running off into bodies of water that serve as a habitat for various wildlife. In addition to habitat protection, pond plants also provide an additional aesthetic for houses that border ponds. For the pollinator enthusiasts, this could be a great way to add more pollinator friendly plants to your landscape. Here are a few plants of interest for homeowners and HOA boards to think about incorporating within your living spaces. Remember to adhere to your HOA codes and covenants PRIOR to planting.*

Photo courtesy of https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/EP476

*Plant list was compiled via the FFL Plant Guide. Plants listed are recommendation plantings.

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Florida-Friendly Landscaping Zone 9 Plant List

Plant Common Name Scientific Name Hardiness Zone Native Status Plant Type
Sweet Acacia Vachellia farnesiana 9a-11 Native Large Shrub
Red Maple Acer Rubrum 4a-9b Native Large Tree
Paurotis Palm Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 9b-11 Native Palms
Southern Maidenhair Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris 7a-11 Native Ferns/Perennials
Pipestem Agarista populifolia 6a-9b Native Large Shrub
Shell Ginger Alpinia zerumbet 8b-11 Not Native Annuals/Perennials
Bluestem Grass Andropogon spp. 3a-9b Not Native Ornamental Grasses
Devil’s Walkingstick Aralia spinosa 5a-9b Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Marlberry Ardisia escallonioides 10a-11 Native Large Shrub
Wiregrass Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana 8a-11 Native Ornamental Grasses
Milkweed Asclepias spp. 8b-10b Not Native Perennials
Climbing Aster Symphyotrichum carolinianum 6a-9b Native Vines
Groundsel Bush Baccharis halimifolia 5a-10b Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Yellow Shrimp Plant Barleria micans 10a-11 Not Native Large Shrub
River Birch Betula nigra 4a-9b Native Large Tree
Cross vine Bignonia capreolata 6a-9b Native Vines
Snowbush Breynia disticha 9a-11 Not Native Small Shrub
Lady of the Night Brunfelsia americana 9b-11 Not Native Small Shrub
Poinciana Caesalpinia spp. 10a-11 Not Native Small Shrub/Medium Tree
Pink Powderpuff Calliandra emarginata 9a-12 Not Native Small Shrub
Carolina Allspice Calycanthus floridus 5a-9b Native Large Shrub
Hickories Carya spp. 5a-9b Not Native Large Tree
Bamboo Cycad Ceratozamia hildae 9a-11 Not Native Palms
Cycad Ceratozamia kuesteriana 9b-11 Not Native Palms
Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus 3a-9b Native Small Tree
Floss Silk Tree Chorisia speciosa 9b-11 Not Native Large Tree
Yellow Butterfly Palm Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 9a-11 Not Native Palms
Sweet Pepperbush Clethra alnifolia 4a-9b Native Large Shrub
Laurelleaf Snailseed Cocculus laurifolius 8a-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Ti plant Cordyline spp 9a-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Swamp Dogwood Cornus foemina 5a-9b Native Small Tree
Hawthorn Crataegus spp. 4a-9b Not Native Large Shrub/Medium Tree
Firecracker Flower Crossandra spp. 10a-11 Not Native Perennials
Curcuma Curcuma spp. 8b-11 Not Native Perennials
Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus 10a-11 Not Native Ornamental Grasses
Holly Fern Cyrtomium falcatum 8a-11 Not Native Ferns/Groundcovers
Mahogany Fern Didymochlaena truncatula 10a-10b Not Native Ferns/Perennials
African Iris Dietes iridoides 8b-10b Not Native Perennials
Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 7a-10b Native Perennials
Elliott’s Lovegrass Eragrostis elliottii 8a-11 Native Ornamental Grasses
Purple Lovegrass Eragrostis spectabilis 8a-10b Native Ornamental Grasses
Coral Bean Erythrina herbacea 8a-11 Native Large Shrub
Bush Daisy Euryops spp 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
Yellowtop Flaveria linearis 8b-11 Native Perennials
Florida Privet Forestiera segregata 8a-11 Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
White Ash Fraxinus americana 8a-9b Native Large Tree
Carolina Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens 7a-9b Native Vines
Blood Lily Haemanthus multiflorus 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
Two-wing Silverbell Halesia diptera 6a-9b Native Large Shrub
Firebush Hamelia patens 9a-11 Native Large Shrub
Butterfly Lily Hedychium spp. 8b-11 Not Native Perennials
Swamp Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius 5a-9b Native Perennials
Dwarf Schefflera Heptapleurum arboricolum 9b-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Hibiscus Hibiscus spp 5b-9b Not Native Large Shrub
Wild Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 5a-9b Native Large Shrub
Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 5a-9b Not Native Large Shrub
Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia 5a-10a Native Large Shrub
American Holly Ilex opaca 5a-11 Native Medium Tree
Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 7a-10b Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Mary Nell Holly Ilex x ‘Mary Nell’ 6a-9b Not Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Morning Glory Ipomoea spp. 8a-11 Not Native Groundcovers/Vines
Virginia Willow Itea virginica 8a-10b Native Large Shrub
Ixora Ixora coccinea 9a-11 Not Native Small Shrub
Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi 8a-10b Not Native Large Shrub
Peacock Ginger Kaempferia spp. 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 7a-10b Not Native Medium Tree
Wild Sage Lantana involucrata 8a-11 Native Perennials
Blazing Star Liatris spp. 4a-10b Not Native Perennials
Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 4a-9b Native Large Tree
Lychee Litchi chinensis 10a-11 Not Native Large Tree
Hurricane Lily Lycoris spp. 7a-10a Not Native Perennials
Rusty Lyonia Lyonia ferruginea 8a-10b Native Large Shrub
Fetterbush Lyonia lucida 7a-10b Native Small Shrub
Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 7a-9b Native Large Tree
Saucer Magnolia Magnolia x soulangiana 5a-9b Not Native Small Tree
Turk’s cap Malvaviscus arboreus 8b-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Zebra Grass Miscanthus sinensis 6a-11 Not Native Ornamental Grasses
Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris 8a-11 Native Ornamental Grasses
Simpson’s Stopper Myrcianthes fragrans 9b-11 Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 6a-10b Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Wild Olive Osmanthus americanus 7a-9b Native Large Shrub/Small Tree
Red Bay Persea borbonia 8b-11 Native Medium Tree
Tree Philodendron Philodendron bipinnatifidum 8b-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Philodendron Philodendron spp. 8b-11 Not Native Large Shrub/Perennials
Date Palms Phoenix spp. 8a-11 Not Native Palms
Turkey Tangle Fogfruit Phyla nodiflora 8a-11 Native Groundcovers
Southern Slash Pine Pinus elliottii var. densa 9a-11 Native Large Tree
Longleaf Pine Pinus palustris 8a-11 Native Large Tree
Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda 7a-9b Native Large Tree
Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 4a-9b Native Large Tree
Plectranthus Plectranthus spp 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
White Oak Quercus alba 3a-9b Native Large Tree
Bluff Oak Quercus austrina 8a-9b Not Native Large Tree
Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 4a-10a Native Large Tree
Live Oak Quercus virginiana 7a-10b Native Large Tree
Rangoon Creeper Quisqualis indica 10a-11 Not Native Vines
Indian Hawthorn Raphiolepis spp. 7a-9b Not Native Small Tree
Slender Lady Palm Rhapis humilis 9a-11 Not Native Palms
Rosemary Rosmarinus spp. 8a-11 Not Native Small Shrub
Royal Palm Roystonea regia 10a-11 Native Palms
Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor 8a-10b Native Palms/Large Shrub
Cabbage Palm Sabal palmetto 8b-11 Native Palms
Salvia Salvia spp. 5a-11 Not Native Perennials
Christmas Senna Senna bicapsularis 8a-11 Not Native Large Shrub
Buckthorn Sideroxylon spp. 5b-9b Not Native Small Tree
Goldenrod Solidago spp. 5a-10b Not Native Perennials
Cordgrass Spartina spp 8a-11 Not Native Ornamental Grasses
Reeve’s Spirea Spiraea spp. 5a-9b Not Native Small Shrub
Porterweed Stachytarpheta spp. 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae 9a-10b Not Native Small Shrub
West Indian Mahogany Swietenia mahagoni 10a-11 Native Large Tree
Pond Cypress Taxodium spp. 5a-11 Native Large Tree
Southern Shield Fern Thelypteris kunthii 8a-11 Native Ferns/Groundcovers
King’s Mantle Thunbergia erecta 9a-11 Not Native Large Shrubs
Wishbone Flower Torenia fournieri 8a-11 Not Native Annuals
Small-Leaf Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum 7a-11 Not Native Groundcovers
Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides 9a-10b Not Native Groundcovers/Vines
Fakahatchee Grass Tripsacum dactyloides 8a-11 Native Ornamental Grasses
Florida Gama Grass Tripsacum floridana 8a-11 Native Ornamental Grasses
Winged Elm Ulmus alata 7a-9b Native Large Tree
American Elm Ulmus americana 3a-9b Native Large Tree
Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia 7a-9b Native Large Tree
Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 3a-9b Not Native Large Tree
Sparkleberry Vaccinium arboreum 8a-10b Native Large Shrub
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum rufidulum 6a-9b Native Small Tree
Violet Viola spp. 4a-11 Not Native Annuals
Washington Palm Washingtonia robusta 8b-11 Not Native Palms
Pine Cone Ginger Zingiber zerumbet 8a-11 Not Native Perennials
Myers Asparagus Fern Protasparagus densiflorus ‘Myers’ 9a-11 Not Native Groundcovers/Annuals
Blanketflower Gaillardia x grandiflora 3a-11 Not Native Annuals/Perennials
Globe Amaranth Gomphrena globosa 2a-11 Not Native Annuals
Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida 3a-9b Not Native Perennials/Small Shrub
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare 5a-11 Not Native Annuals/Perennials
Snow Squarestem Melanthera nivea 8b-11 Native Perennials/Large Shrub
Elliott Aster Symphyotrichum elliottii 8b-10b Native Perennials
Button Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium 8b-10b Native Perennials
Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata 8b-11 Native Annuals/Small Shrub
Seaside Goldenrod Solidago sempervirens 8a-11 Native Perennials/Small Shrub



Posted: December 3, 2024

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, Lawn, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, , Water

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