Let’s do THISS (Teamwork, with Honesty, Integrity, Service, and Strength). Together we can contribute and make this another success. 4-H Opportunity for All Benefit Gala is a collaborative effort towards a shared vision. We have over 100 ticket sales, and our goal is 200 tickets. To finalize all our orders, the number of steaks, tables, chairs, etc. Our cut-off date is in the coming week of January 3rd. You cannot afford to miss this occasion to participate. The following are ways we can together make this a reality and a success:
• Intentionally promote and sell additional tickets and update us on your progress. See the link to purchase tickets. Click Here to buy tickets today.
• Promote the auction via Bid Beacon/ additional auction items are welcome. Use the QR Code and Access Code: HXKNF2. Click Here to see what we have so far.
• Promote the five sponsorship levels (Emerald, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Clover) and the opportunity for having your business logo displayed in the 4-H yearbook, on the Gala table promotional pieces, on social media, and on the sponsor banner. The 4-H Opportunity for All Benefit Gala flyer provides more detail for each sponsorship level.
• If you have not already done so, reach out to us or directly to the committee chair if you would like to help on one of the following committees:
I. Communications & Coordination – Chairperson, Terri Zuidema
II. Decorations – Chair people: Saldivar family & John
III. Program and Activities – Chairperson: Candy Wickham
IV. Volunteer Coordination – Chairperson: Wren Underwood
V. Silent Auction – Chair people: Caleta Scott & Erin Rosskopf
VI. Food – Chair people: David & Kelly Lounds
VII. Sponsorships & Donations – Chair people, NEEDED
Feel free to contact me or the committee chair, Terri Zuidema (see Eventbrite flyer), if you have questions or concerns.
This is a collaborative effort towards a shared vision. Let’s do THISS (Teamwork, with Honesty, Integrity, Service, and Strength).
Posted: December 30, 2024
Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, , Clubs & Volunteers, Community Volunteers, Events, Money Matters, NATURAL RESOURCES, Professional Development, Recreation, Relationships & Family, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: #H4HOutreach, #slc4h, 4-H, 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Camp, Clubs & Volunteers, Community Volunteers, Curriculum, Extension, Financial Education, Florida 4-H Youth Development, Https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/stlucie/4-h-youth-development/, John Ferguson, Money Management, Money Matters, Recreation, Relationships & Family, St Lucie County, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County, Work & Life Tags: #4hGrowsHere, Work & Life Tags: #4hOpportunityForAll