Have you noticed that websites across UF/IFAS have been taking on a fresh new format?
Get ready to raise the roof for the newest edition of the UF/IFAS Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises website coming soon! Our “new” site will continue to be located at the same web address, http://smallfarms.ifas.ufl.edu/.
What’s changing?
Formatting, formatting, formatting… The new site is based on a fresh template and integrates more pictures, greater connectivity to social media and IFAS blogs, and a consolidated menu of pages. The formatting is also more mobile friendly, as websites are more frequently being accessed on the go. We’re especially proud of the new graphics created for the site! Enjoy a sneak peak? Don’t tell anyone but the header of this post is a taste of the new graphics featured in the production subject area of the new site. 🙂
What’s staying the same?
Quality, quality, quality, if I do say so myself… Since the Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Program was launched in 2005, quality research based information has been the cornerstone of what we do. Of all the variations in Extension programming, reliance on quality research based information, as part of our Land Grant mission, does not change.
What’s the buzz?
![The UF/IFAS Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises You Tube Channel](https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/smallfarms/files/2019/01/UFIFASSFAEYouTubeChannelCropped.jpg)
One of the newer features we’re most excited about is the addition of companion YOU TUBE playlists. Who doesn’t “You Tube” something when they want to get a feel for a new idea or a new how to… ?
We have created subject area playlists, a zillion of them, containing UF materials and companion resources! We envision adding to them over time to expand our online delivery capabilities for practical information. Check them out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoqu72hzrGd7WCeDb79ENLg/playlists?disable_polymer=1
When’s the launch?
Stay tuned! We are creeping ever closer! We anticipate a November birthday, but perhaps this baby will be ready in time for Trick-or-Treating… We shall see!
Until then, troll our playlists and dig out your dancing boots in preparation for the launch!
Want to stay in the loop?
Join the UF/IFAS Extension Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises newsletter email list here: https://tinyurl.com/joinufsmallfarms
Already a subscriber?
We’re transitioning soon to a new email newsletter service to better integrate with our new site. We intend to migrate those already subscribed into the new service. So just a heads up here to expect a bit of change on this front. With our newsletter coming from a different service, there’s a chance you may need to rescue it from your junkbox to start. Rest assured we do not put out junk, so be sure to do a quick search for the newsletter before emptying the box. 🙂