Florida 4-H Public Speaking, powered by FPL, Seminole County Contest

Florida 4-H Public Speaking program, powered by FPL

Buckle Up!  We are going on a road trip!  We are also going to learn about the benefits of space exploration, self-confidence, PHOF, why no sleep, and quitting passions.  All of these were topics at the Florida 4-H Public Speaking, powered by FPL Seminole County Competition. Sixth-grade youth from schools all over Seminole County vied for the top spots.

The Florida 4-H Public Speaking program, powered by FPL teaches young people the techniques of effective public speaking. This educational program is designed to give sixth-grade students experience in preparing and delivering a speech. Being a 4-H school enrichment program of the University of Florida IFAS Extension, it is taught by classroom teachers and is incorporated into the established teacher lesson plan. With the guidance of their teachers, the participating students work on a speech topic of their choice. The course culminates in classroom competitions and school competitions where the top speaker from each school is invited to participate in a countywide contest.


Judges this year were Linda Dubea, EA Manager for Florida Power and Light, Rick Durr, Director, Seminole County Leisure Services, and Ally Linville, Public Relations Coordinator for Seminole County Government.

School Participants

Over 2,000 6th grade students participated in the program this year.  County finalists were: Calem Anthony,  “Roller Coasters,” Jackson Heights Middle School; Parth Arora, “PHOF,” Lawton Chiles Middle School; Macy Bentley, “The Road Trip,” The Masters Academy; Nathan Kreuzer, “The Benefits of Space Exploration,” Holy Cross Lutheran Academy; Parsah Mohebpour, “Why No Sleep,” Markham Woods Middle School;  Abigail Rawls, “Self Confidence,” Double R Private School; Caylin Rogers, “Quitting My Passion,” All Souls Catholic School.

Contest Winners

First place winner was Macy Bentley, The Masters Academy; second place was Parsah Mohebpour, Markham Woods Middle School; third place was Parth Arora, Lawton Chiles Middles School.   There have been over one million Seminole County 6th graders participating in this program. Interested in learning more about the University of Florida IFAS Extension Seminole County 4-H program? Visit our website and follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

l->r: Parth Arora, Parsah Mohebpour, Macy Bentley


Posted: May 15, 2022

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: #4hpublicspeaking, #communication, #FPLCares, #KarenHenry, #publicspeaking, #scps, Schools