4-H is a youth education program which provides youth ages 5-18 the opportunity to learn life skills while exploring projects such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), citizenship/leadership, and healthy living You can become a member of 4-H by joining a 4-H community club, participating in a short term Special Interest Program, participating as an independent member or by being part of a 4-H School Enrichment Classroom Project.
Florida 4-H State Council
Travis Lommerse, Seminole County 4-H member from the “Teens in Action 4-H Club” will finish out his 14th and final year in 4-H serving on the Florida 4-H State Council. Travis was recently appointed by the Florida 4-H State Council to serve as the 2021-2022 Florida 4-H State Council Sergeant at Arms. Travis’ reason for wanting to commit his senior year to the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, “I wanted to take all that I`ve learned and experienced over my 4-H career and try for a position that I could use all that I have, to help others and teach the future generation. I believed in this position, I could have the biggest impact on younger youth and at the same time inspire them to continue with 4-H and maybe one day do amazing things. To do something small for the future that could have a much bigger impact on the world”.

Travis has participated in several 4-H leadership events over the years, including the Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, 4-H Healthy Living Summit, 4-H Day at the Capitol, and 4-H University. He has been involved with the 4-H District VIII Citrus Project, served as a camp counselor at 4-H Camp Cloverleaf, and participated in numerous 4-H competitions. Through these experiences he hopes to encourage other youth to take advantage of the 4-H program. “My goal for this year is to show 4-Hers what all 4-H has to offer. Whether it be at a rural county fair or a local county meeting. To tell and show other 4-Hers about state events like 4-H University or about a local competition like the Gameboard competition at the Central Florida Fair that they may not know about. To allow them the opportunity, to attend that event or compete in that competition, they wouldn’t have otherwise heard of. So that they can get the fullest experience that 4-H has to offer, and to show them the amazing family that 4-H has come to show me”.
4-H Family
Travis is a third generation 4-Her. His grandmother, Vicki Meriwether has served Seminole County 4-H as a leader, volunteer and mentor for over 30 years. She was recently inducted into the Florida 4-H Hall of Fame. Like his grandmother, Travis’ mother has been involved with the 4-H program since childhood and is currently the Teens in Action 4-H Club and Clover Kids 4-H Club Leader. Finally, both Travis’ older brothers also served in state leadership positions on the Florida 4-H State Council. Seminole County 4-H wishes to congratulate Travis on his newly appointed leadership position. At the end of his year of service Travis will graduate from Seminole High School and attend Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia for Agribusiness.
For more information about Seminole County 4-H please visit our website at http://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-services/leisure-services/extension-services/4-h-youth-development/
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