4-H Youth Development
4-H is a youth education program which provides youth ages 5-18 the opportunity to learn life skills while exploring projects such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), leadership, healthy living, and citizenship/leadership. You can become a member of 4-H by joining a Community 4-H Club, participating in a short term Special Interest Program, participating as an independent member or by being part of a 4-H School Enrichment Classroom Project.
Florida 4-H State Council President

Steven Lommerse, Seminole County 4-H member from the “Teens in Action 4-H Club” will finish out his 10th and final year in 4-H serving as the Florida 4-H State Council President. During 4-H University at the University of Florida, Steven was elected by his peers to serve as the 2017-2018 Florida 4-H State Council President. Steven’s reason for wanting to commit his senior year to the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, “Over half of my life has been dedicated to 4-H. This is my last year in 4-H, and I want to do all I can to positively impact other youth throughout Florida”.
Steven has served on numerous committees at the county, district, state and national level. He has also participated in several 4-H leadership events over the years, including the Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, 4-H Healthy Living Summit, 4-H Day at the Capitol, and 4-H Legislature. Steven hopes to use his leadership experience to lead the Florida 4-H State Council, promote state level 4-H events, and work with state 4-H staff to push a new 4-H curriculum focused on workforce preparation. Steven believes this curriculum will increase 4-H numbers and prepare teens for life after high school, “This curriculum is geared towards high school students, ages 14-18. The students will be writing resumes, cover letters, public speaking …This curriculum will benefit students when they apply for future jobs”.
A Year of Service
Steven has began his busy year of service by presenting a parliamentary procedure workshop at the Puerto Rican Leadership Summit at the University of Central Florida, attending the Florida 4-H first state executive board weekend, presenting at the Seminole County 4-H officer training, parliamentary procedure training in Citrus County, attending the 4-H District 8 citrus tour, and will be assisting at the Volusia County Fair. Steven will attend all Florida 4-H Executive Board meetings, represent 4-H at the Florida State Fair, communicate with state representatives in Tallahassee, work with the Florida 4-H Foundation Board, and continue presenting at numerous workshops and speaking engagements.
Seminole County 4-H is proud of Steven’s accomplishments and congratulates him on his newly elected leadership position. At the end of his year of service Steven will graduate from Seminole High School and will be attending Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia.
For more information about Seminole County 4-H please visit our website at http://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-services/leisure-services/extension-services/4-h-youth-development/
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