The first installment of the newly launched UF/IFAS Big Issues Seminar Series.
Lecture entitled: Industrial transformation away from fossil fuels – will not go as planned
Dr. Simon Michaux, Associate Professor of Geometallurgy, Circular Economy Solutions Unit, Geological Survey of Finland.
More information about the speaker: simonmichaux.com
In-person: Emerson Alumni Hall, President’s Ballroom – 1938 W. University Avenue, Gainesville, FL (Parking information: https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/Government-Pages/Government/Departments/Transportation/GNV-Parking/Locations-and-Rates)
Virtual: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/96754428572?pwd=cmIrR0hydHFVZWNkNGRmdGp2eUdoQT09 Meeting ID: 967 5442 8572 Passcode: 311810
September 13, 2023 at 4:00 pm.
Dr. Michaux, Associate Professor of Geometallurgy, Circular Economy Solutions Unit, Geological Survey of Finland, asks logical, data-driven questions about the transition from fossil fuels to electricity. Based on mining capacities and mineral reserves, he challenges the belief that the transition can be accomplished anywhere near the time frame envisioned in current government policies in the US, Europe, and elsewhere. Based on similar considerations, he argues that industrial capacities and economies will need to be radically reconfigured to deal with the mineral requirements of the transition and beyond and that the reconfiguration process has to start now.
The Big Issues Seminar Series was created in response to statewide faculty’s desire to adapt their teaching, research, and extension programming to address daunting global issues that will impact crop production, distribution, and consumption patterns. We have identified major themes, including Energy and Mineral Resources, Climate Change and the Carbon Economy, Diet and the Health Crisis, Data Applications and Ethics, and others, and are inviting well-known and respected forward-thinking speakers to engage us in this process. The seminar series serves as a forum for the future of agriculture that will be open to all. We have asked our speakers to present their view of the limits to growth, identify opportunities, and guide discussions that will inspire us to develop tools and applications for resilient systems and prepare new leaders for an increasingly complex future.